
KIᗰᗰIE ᗷ

Ask @QueenLibra88

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How do you get rid of stress and negative energy?

That was easy.. Just let go of everything and everyone that gives you the most of both 🙃🙃 Trust me, life is sooo much better!

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Super Troopers 🙄 The whole ass movie was bad 🤷🏻‍♀️

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My question for today is "Why do people ignore the truth?"

maraliegh’s Profile Photomaraliegh
Because those people like living a lie. If they were to face the truth then they would actually be miserable most likely 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s sad that there are people out there that ignore the truth!
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How often do you carry a bag with you when youre outside What kind of bag do you
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Say that people in the future will spend a lot of their time in virtual reality and everyone has their own unique playable avatar. If you were to take part, how'd you make yourself look like in the digital world? What'd you wear etc.? 🧙‍♂️🧛‍♀️🧝‍♀️👨‍🚀

My avatar would most definitely be a siren 🙃 like from the Borderlands games 😏


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