

Ask @RachelLizzieCheshire

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what are your plans for today

my mum told me to tidy my room -.-
not going to aha, i neeeeed to go town today or tomorrow, someone come with me? &popup?
Liked by: M.Ali Tahsin

What is your least preferred way you have ever had your temperature taken and what is your most preferred way?

the only way iv had is my mum putting her hand on my forehead hahah
Liked by: Elle McConvey

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what were them noises in the, vids when u were holding ur breath?

it was the tv, i was watching merry christmas drake&josh:)

What’s wrong with the world?

war. people shouldnt fight and kill eachother. one person dying can have such a big influence on the people that they knew and lots of people suffer and go through pain that they dont deserve and it rips families apart.
society. the fact that you have to be a skinny whore that colours in their face, or a dick head player that treats everyone like shit to get noticed at all. theres so many really nice people that need more attention and alot of people get noticed for the wrong reasons.
&the fact that people about 10 years old are self harming and how common it is now, the fact that other people make them that insecure for them to be unhappy with themselves and be feeling depressed and like they have nobody to turn to and having suicidal thoughts. its actually unbelievable how much little comments people make as a 'joke' turns into self harming and how common self harming is now.
bullying. there is so much now that you need to do not to get bullied. you cant be too good at somthing because then youre a swot, cant be rubbish at somthing because then youre stupid. you cant like certain music. you cant like a certain person. you have to dress the same, have your hair& makeup the same, need to be straight, cant really have your own opinion without someone commenting somthing hurtful about it. and the amount of two faced people, being nice to a persons face then bitching about them behind their back and spreading shit. ugh.
pretty much everything is wrong with the world but nobody really does anything about it. it just gets worse and worse, makes people feel worse and worse.

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haha kl. what do u do when ur bored ?

stare at facebook and wait for somthing intresting to come up on my news feed, or tumblrrrrr:)

on a scale of 1-100 how immature would u say u r ?

well it depends who im with, say if i was with amy we'd be verrrrrrrrrry immature hahah:p

haaha yes..58 second..can u try it again??..it almost..take a very deep breath..,,relax. and.close your eyes..

noooo i cba, iv got a strepsil so no+ why would i close my eyes?

How will you celebrate the end of the world?

who would celebrate because were all going to die? its like enjoying planning your own funeral or somthing, you just dont

If you had to hit a guy in the testicles what would be your best way of doing it (kick,knee,stomp,slap,punch,jump) and why? How would you do it?

kick because its easier and punching or anything else would be really awkward aha +ermm idk just kick them:p

Hot lads in year nine?

hmm james jackson, luke smith, joel green, brad stone, mike lock ermm cant think of anymore right now
Liked by: Ash


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