

Ask @RachelLizzieCheshire

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Why do you wear bandages on your knees? always wondered xD

aha well i went physio and idk whats up with them exacly but they get really sore so i wear the support bands and i have insoles in my shoes, i only wear the support bands when they're sore or in p.e, they were really bad today actually, i nearly fell down the stairs:///

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If you could be invisible for one hour, where would you go and what you would you do?

id annoy everyone i dont like and make them think they've gone mad:)

the names bond, james bond... yes i know its a suprise.. but its the day of the week love.... you only do mondays :P

it is a suprise considering james bond isnt real, and really 'love'?

Is it more important to love or be loved?

They're both important but to love can hurt a hell of a lot if your not loved by the person you love

top 5 book series? ever

Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Twilight, Narnia not read them all thoughh cant think of anymore right now


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