

Ask @RachelLizzieCheshire

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haha they made us pick a humanity and language so really only choose 2 things and not that u should take addvise from a stranger that knows nothing bout u, but colleges look for language qualifications so a language would be gd but i hate doin french so dnt as well lol :) shoes size ?

yeahh ik it looks good, but i hate spanish, im alright at it but i actually hate it soooo + aha 6

wow thats really late my skol picks ours at end of yr 8. doin Drama , resistant materials , history, french right now and of coures triple science ,english and maths. wbu?

is it? +niceee:) english, maths, science, r.e, we have to do them and then im doing ict, history, art and i have one more but idk what:/

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wow love green eyes. and brown on inside wid a blue outline around the brown lol ages of ur siblings?

aw thanks:) brown&blue niceee:)) + 27, 24 + 11

lol most people laugh at mine and say it stupid so id rather not say cause u might not like and think im wierd lol . what colour eyes u got?

no i wont, i wont laugh either thats mean+ green wbu:)?

welcome :D lol my sisters made me watch them and bit gay but i shed a tear for charlie st cloud but when i watched toystory 3 i almost died the tears wouldnt stop lol i have a few phobias do u have any ?

aww thats cuteee, toy story 3 is so sad:') + not really, i used to hate needles, but iv had it at school and it was fine soooo, wbu what are yours?:)

yeh u look like a good girl lol and just by talkin to u i think u got a nice personality :) what film has ever made u cry ?

aha aw thanks:) and ermm titanic, charlie st.cloud, dear john i think i cant remember and probably a few more that i dont remember:')
Liked by: Harry Wilson

haha no brothers but 2 sisters one older one younger lol. favourite food ?

aha nicee+ ermm irdk pizza, pasta, chicken? idk tbh hahah

i know right. i actually never expected u to say that omfg wow. any siblings ?

omfg ikr! and yepp 2 sisters, 1 brother... you havent got the same have you:p?

err lemon, mint there like the worst haha. and seein ur other questions u should tell that boy cause he would be crazy to not like u :) birthday ?

mmm i like alot of flavors but theyre probably my favorite+ aw thanks but nahh, i guess he's crazyy then:/ + 9th november:)

haha lol yeh love marvel i dnt really waste my time wid DC and thank u that answer actually just put a smile on my face :) u must think im such a nerd for sayin that lol. favourite icecream flavour ?

ahah nahhh + ermm lemon or ben&jerrys mint:)

:D u dnt even know how much i applaud u right now for sayin spiderman :D lol or r u just sayin him cause hes the first one that popped into ur head and u dnt even like superheros ?

ahah no spidermans the best, watched the new spiderman in cinema and its just amazing:) iv not really watched like batman or superman, iv seen like thor and iron man, avengers assemble, marvel ones ohhhh and iron man is amazing too:)

lol k then i expected u to be a rock punk person cause of ur background :) favourite superhero ?

yeahh i guess i sorta am, i like loadsssss of people:p and ermm spiderman:)

how long have you liked him?

well i was sorta getting over someone and then we started talking and i was scared of liking someone again, but we kept talking for a while and i ended up liking him


Language: English