
Sarah Smith

Ask @RealSarahSmith

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You were so adorable as a baby what happened

Bitch I got sexy that's what happened lmfao jk no I got really ugly :/

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please don't cuss when you text me.. like don't say dick/hell/ or words like that because I have script patents that don't like those stupid words -.-

taylor_marshal1’s Profile PhotoTaylor ✌

I'm gonna kill someone! I'm taking a train, bus something. I'm gonna redo eighth grade again just to be there for you.:) nobody does that to my best friend!

babycakez101’s Profile PhotoAshley Campos
Aww haha

write a paragraph on how you feel about jason going back and forth and on how much you miss him so much.

I don't know if I can write a paragraph but I think it's stupid like why can't they film the videos here in Jersey it wouldn't be that hard it would make more sense to have the film their videos from where they are from and they'd be able to stay with their family and wouldn't have to leave for months. I miss him more then I miss anybody that would leave. I miss him more than I do dancing. I'd give up singing and my record label if it meant he was able to come home


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