
Ricka Gumboc

Ask @RickaCareyGumboc

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Not everyone hates you cause their jealous, some people hate you cause you’re a c***

Lol 😂 sure I guess but do I care nope
Not everyone hates you cause their jealous some people hate you cause youre a c

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Okay, stupid question. First time user here. How exactly does this app determine who receives the questions. I just made an account and boom, got like 20 questions in the last few minutes lol. Can anyone explain to me the basics 😅.

Be careful with the nasty Anonymous questions because lots of people do that and some of the people like to cause cat fights and ect so just ignore or delete it

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People are talking about abortions but a overwhelming amount of women legitimately have children because they want them. If our moms didn't want us we wouldn't be here. There has to be a small percentage that want abortions for literally no reason.

Bridworld’s Profile PhotoZyria
Well let me spill out my truth then this is my personal experience ok
I was pregnant before ok
I actually did decided to keep my twins but then they passed away this is real adult woman talking to you about my miscarriage and the thing is sometimes it will work out but then when your a young person you have a right to actually be pregnant or not

How do u tell ur mom u wanna use tampons when uk she disapproves

Well because it’s painful to actually take out of your flower because the string hangs

What is a poisonous item that poisons over a Time. For instance, dogs eat enough chocolate

Dogs can’t eat chocolate! Have you known that or you just loosing your mind

AskFM we need a PIN post option already! I want to pin basically information about myself on the top of my profile which will not fit in a bio

ThePlea’s Profile PhotoFabulous Fin
Yup of course


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