
Ricka Gumboc

Ask @RickaCareyGumboc

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All relationships are fake nowadays, how can we solve this issue??

Of course it’s fake love it’s not worth trying if he or she not put effort like lots of boyfriends I had where crapy and boring and I quick fall out of love not interested so the best advice is to stay single till you feel you can date someone properly instead of playing house hehem aka child like games ok it’s just difficult to really fall in love and stick with one person as well
If you got kids it’s more difficult to stay in the relationship as well how I know all these it’s because I seen how my older sister did it
She stuck to her commitment in marriage not choosing someone else to do her husband job he stayed with it
I just don’t have the wise time to be in one yet

What do you do when you’re lonely

I don’t get lonely that much
If I was family and friends are the best distraction to keep my self busy
Or go to friends gatherings to meet new people

Don’t you wish social media was private? with only close people that truly care about you?

That won’t be easy because lots of people have changed not every one will be happy for you or care just be careful there

How do your tell your parents you don’t want to be alive anymore?

What the heck why are you not satisfied? With your life this is Like negative crap that you should not think about
You live once and that’s it
If you got suicidal thoughts, call somebody don’t put it on here
How do your tell your parents you dont want to be alive anymore

I understand why a lot of people nowadays are toxic: a friend was toxic to them that hurt them and that continues like dominos..

Yes of course that includes toxic family members too the demons or conscience has a control over the power of love

i remember using this a few years ago why are you still on ask fm??

I’m just here to protect the young girls and you know put some knowledge in peoples minds

Someone asked: why do people hate social media so much? Because some people who are gorgeous btw feel ugly and unhappy because they always comparing themselves also friendships aren’t meaningful since social medias came out. SM are more useful for business only

That’s true

If words offend someone shouldn’t it be considered a personal issue? How can it be anyones fault if YOU are the one in control of your emotions. Don’t self imprison yourself in your head.

Dan Glee
See that’s the problem once you say something that pisses someone off even though you’re not even seen it at all like the truth or something they get offensive over things you say is wrong no, you’re allowed to say what you want to feel and say what hurts you and what doesn’t I still don’t get it telling someone not to say their feelings or opinions it’s just a jealous person that doesn’t have a life at all

What do you do, if you see somebody bullying another person? Stand up for them? Mind your own business?

r1yaa’s Profile Photo⁑M⁑o⁑k⁑k⁑a⁑
Mostly me telling the bully to go away
You can’t just sit and watch you see something say something


Language: English