SGRC, Indonesia

Kalian sudah menyimpang dari Agama! Seksualitas adalah hal yang sangat pribadi. Dan perempuan seharusnya menjaga hal yg sangat pribadi tersebut, selain bersikap lemah lembut dan mentaati suaminya, karena kelak nanti akan mendapat surga-Nya. Itu yg diajarkan oleh orang tua dan guru saya sejak kecil!

Principles of Critical Thinking :
1. Be skeptical. Politicians, religious leaders, and other authority figures attempt
to convince you of their points of view. Accept no opinion as fact until you have personally weighed the
2. Examine definitions of terms. Consider the maxim, “Love is blind.” If love is
defined as head-over-heels infatuation, there may be substance to the statement.
Infatuated people tend to idealize loved ones. But if love is defined as deep caring
and commitment based on a more realistic (if still somewhat slanted)
appraisal of the loved one, then love is not blind—just a bit nearsighted.
3. Examine the assumptions or premises of arguments. Consider the statement,
“Abortion is murder.” Webster’s New World Dictionary defines murder as “the
unlawful and malicious or premeditated killing of one human being by another.”
The statement is true, according to this dictionary, only if (a) the victim is a
human being and (b) the act is unlawful and malicious or premeditated. Many
pro-life advocates argue that embryos and fetuses are human beings from the
moment of conception. Many pro-choice advocates argue that embryos and
fetuses do not become human beings until various stages of development. Thus
the judgment that abortion is murder will rest in part on one’s beliefs as to
whether—and when—an embryo or fetus is a human being.
4. Be cautious in drawing conclusions from evidence.
5. Consider alternative interpretations of research evidence. Correlations or associations between events do not necessarily reveal cause and effect.
6.Consider the kinds of evidence on which conclusions are based. Some conclusions,
even seemingly “scientific” conclusions, are based on anecdotes and personal
endorsements. They are not founded on sound research.
7. Do not oversimplify.
8. Do not overgeneralize. Consider the belief that gay males are effeminate and
lesbians are masculine. Yes, some gay males and lesbians fit these stereotypes.
However, many do not. Overgeneralizing makes us vulnerable to accepting
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Latest answers from SGRC, Indonesia

Apasih yg bakal dibahas ditopik arisan kali ini kak?

Jelasnya di bawah ini yaaa
Lets talking about those taboo!!

Mesti bawa apaan sih kalo arisan?

- diri sendiri (obviously)
- potluck (sharing is fun!)/
- 10k for appreciation atau kalian bisa langsung mengirimkan donasi ke https://kitabisa.com/bantuperpuspkbi untuk membantu terselamatkannya buku2 seksi.
- bawa koleksi mainan kalian (bersiin dulu jan lupa)
- dan a lot of love

Arisan itu apa sih kak?

Kalian tentunya uda ga asing tentang Arisan kan segers. Arisan itu annual meeting kita tiap bulan yg isinya diskusi membahas segala sesuatu yg berhubungan dengan seksualitas. Yes seksualitas include hal2 taboo yg beredar di sekitar kita.

Kakak kapan kita arisan?

Pas banget nih kamu nanya!
Arisan SGRC bakal diadain besok banget nih, Sabtu 25 Agustus 2018 jam 2 siang.
Topiknya "Show and Tell"

kl ke arisan utk nyari jodoh booleh gk kak :(

Biasanya yg niatin cari jodoh di SGRC ga bakal nemu. Tapi setelah pulang dari arisan SGRC, mengaplikasikan ilmu kanuragannya, biasanya segera dapet pasangan. Karena smart is the new sexy 😘

Ka arisan itu ngapain sih.. aku pengen ikut, tapi aku gasuka arisan :(

Arisan itu kecintaannya segers, diskusi ilmiah, sambil canda2 manja, n ngemil cantik. Dan tentunya tidak akan ada yg merasa sendiri. 😉

Language: English