SGRC, Indonesia

Marriage Equality #10

part 10
December 19, 2013: The New Mexico Supreme Court issues a landmark decision in a lawsuit brought by the National Center for Lesbian Rights seeking clarification on laws regarding the freedom to marry in the state. The ruling affirms the freedom to marry in every county in the state, making New Mexico the 17th state where same-sex couples can marry. The case dates back to Summer 2013, when eight New Mexico counties extended the freedom to marry to same-sex couples: Bernalillo County, Santa Fe County, Taos County, Doña Ana County, San Miguel County, Los Alamos County, Grant County, and Valencia County. Some counties begin issuing marriage licenses after being ordered by district courts, and in others, county clerks follow the lead of these rulings and acted independently. The decisions ordering the issuance of marriage licenses to same-sex couples are based on the gender-neutral language in the state's marriage law.
December 20, 2013: U.S. District Court Judge Robert J. Shelby issues a ruling declaring that laws prohibiting same-sex couples from marrying in Utah are unconstitutional, conflicting with the U.S. Constitution's guarantees of equal protection and due process under the law. The ruling takes effect immediately, and same-sex couples begin marrying that afternoon. In the weeks that follow, the state of Utah works to appeal the decision, seeking a stay on the ruling. On January 6, the U.S. Supreme Court issues a stay as the appeals court fast-tracks the case. The 1,300 couples who married in the three-week period will be respected as what they are - married - by the U.S. government, but the state of Utah has declared that the marriage licenses issued in its own state will NOT be respected. Freedom to Marry will continue to work with local and state partner organizations to educate the public and amplify support for the freedom to marry across the state of Utah as the case works its way through the 10th Circuit Court of Appeas.
January 14, 2014: U.S. District Court Judge Terence Kern issues a ruling in favor of the freedom to marry in Oklahoma, a tremendous step forward for same-sex couples in the state. The decision, which is immediately stayed, has been appealed to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals.
February 12, 2014: U.S. District Court Judge John G. Heyburn II (appointed by President George H.W. Bush) issues a ruling in Kentucky ordering the state to respect the marriages of same-sex couples legally performed in other states. The ruling is finalized on February 27, with a 21-day stay issued the following day. On March 4, Attorney General Conway says he will not appeal the ruling, but almost immediately after his announcement, Gov. Steve Beshear says he will appeal to the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals with private counsel.
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Apasih yg bakal dibahas ditopik arisan kali ini kak?

Jelasnya di bawah ini yaaa
Lets talking about those taboo!!

Mesti bawa apaan sih kalo arisan?

- diri sendiri (obviously)
- potluck (sharing is fun!)/
- 10k for appreciation atau kalian bisa langsung mengirimkan donasi ke https://kitabisa.com/bantuperpuspkbi untuk membantu terselamatkannya buku2 seksi.
- bawa koleksi mainan kalian (bersiin dulu jan lupa)
- dan a lot of love

Arisan itu apa sih kak?

Kalian tentunya uda ga asing tentang Arisan kan segers. Arisan itu annual meeting kita tiap bulan yg isinya diskusi membahas segala sesuatu yg berhubungan dengan seksualitas. Yes seksualitas include hal2 taboo yg beredar di sekitar kita.

Kakak kapan kita arisan?

Pas banget nih kamu nanya!
Arisan SGRC bakal diadain besok banget nih, Sabtu 25 Agustus 2018 jam 2 siang.
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kl ke arisan utk nyari jodoh booleh gk kak :(

Biasanya yg niatin cari jodoh di SGRC ga bakal nemu. Tapi setelah pulang dari arisan SGRC, mengaplikasikan ilmu kanuragannya, biasanya segera dapet pasangan. Karena smart is the new sexy 😘

Ka arisan itu ngapain sih.. aku pengen ikut, tapi aku gasuka arisan :(

Arisan itu kecintaannya segers, diskusi ilmiah, sambil canda2 manja, n ngemil cantik. Dan tentunya tidak akan ada yg merasa sendiri. 😉

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