SGRC, Indonesia

Marriage Equality #13

part 13
September 4, 2014: In a unanimous victory, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit becomes the third federal appellate court to affirm the freedom to marry when it upholds the trial court ruling in three Indiana marriage cases and Wisconsin's Wolf v. Walker. The rulings have all been stayed and are now seeking review from the U.S. Supreme Court.
October 6, 2014: The United States Supreme Court denies review in five different marriage cases, clearing the way for lower court rulings to stand and same-sex couples to finally have the freedom to marry in Utah, Oklahoma, Virginia, Indiana and Wisconsin. The decision also paves the path for the freedom to marry in Colorado, Kansas, North Carolina, South Carolina, West Virginia and Wyoming. It was a historic day, with the effect of bringing us to 30 states with the freedom to marry and 60% of the United States population living in a marriage state.
October 7, 2014: The United States Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit rules in favor of the freedom to marry when it upholds the trial court ruling in Idaho's Latta v. Otter and reersing the trial court ruling in Nevada's Sevcik v. Sandoval. The ruling takes effect almost immediately, and in the following weeks, prompts judges in Arizona, Wyoming, and Alaska to rule in favor of the freedom to marry.
November 6, 2014: The United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit reverses 6 pro-marriage lower court rulings out of Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio, and Tennessee in an alarmingly out-of-step decision to uphold marriage discrimination. Legal teams vow to fight against the ruling, seeking review from the United States Supreme Court.
November 25, 2014: U.S. District Court Judge Karen Baker rules in favor of the freedom to marry in Arkansas, declaring the state's Amendment 83, which limits the freedom to marry to different-sex couples, is unconstitutional. On the same day, U.S. District Court Judge Carlton W. Reeves also rules in favor of the freedom to marry in Mississippi, placing that challenge before the 5th Circuit.
January 6, 2015: A stay on an August 2014 federal ruling extending the freedom to marry to same-sex couples in Florida expires, and hundreds of couples across the state marry.
January 12, 2015: United States District Court Judge Karen E. Schreier rules in favor of the freedom to marry in South Dakota, declaring the state's ban on marriage between same-sex couples unconstitutional, placing the challenge before the 8th Circuit.
January 16, 2015: The United States Supreme Court grants review to the freedom to marry, announcing it will review the out-of-step ruling in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals in Kentucky, Ohio, Michigan, and Tennessee. An oral argument will be heard in April 2015, with a ruling expected by June 2015. The ruling could bring the freedom to marry to same-sex couples nationwide once and for all.
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Apasih yg bakal dibahas ditopik arisan kali ini kak?

Jelasnya di bawah ini yaaa
Lets talking about those taboo!!

Mesti bawa apaan sih kalo arisan?

- diri sendiri (obviously)
- potluck (sharing is fun!)/
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- bawa koleksi mainan kalian (bersiin dulu jan lupa)
- dan a lot of love

Arisan itu apa sih kak?

Kalian tentunya uda ga asing tentang Arisan kan segers. Arisan itu annual meeting kita tiap bulan yg isinya diskusi membahas segala sesuatu yg berhubungan dengan seksualitas. Yes seksualitas include hal2 taboo yg beredar di sekitar kita.

Kakak kapan kita arisan?

Pas banget nih kamu nanya!
Arisan SGRC bakal diadain besok banget nih, Sabtu 25 Agustus 2018 jam 2 siang.
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kl ke arisan utk nyari jodoh booleh gk kak :(

Biasanya yg niatin cari jodoh di SGRC ga bakal nemu. Tapi setelah pulang dari arisan SGRC, mengaplikasikan ilmu kanuragannya, biasanya segera dapet pasangan. Karena smart is the new sexy 😘

Ka arisan itu ngapain sih.. aku pengen ikut, tapi aku gasuka arisan :(

Arisan itu kecintaannya segers, diskusi ilmiah, sambil canda2 manja, n ngemil cantik. Dan tentunya tidak akan ada yg merasa sendiri. 😉

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