Ethan Shearman


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Do you have a person that you trust to whom you tell your secrets?

Don’t have anyone I 100% trust that I’d divulge everything to

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What fictional couple do you love? (and from what series?)

Asuna and kirito from sword art online
Rias and issei from highschool dxd
Aragon and Arwen from lord of the rings

Any 1980s films hold up?

Star Wars empire strikes back, Star Wars return of the Jedi, et, aliens, ghost busters, Rambo first blood, full metal jacket, nightmare on elm street, platoon, raiders of lost ark, back to the future, die hard
Just to name a few

What song/s would be on the soundtrack to your life?

Under again bullet for my valentine would definitely be on the soundtrack beyond that not sure

Do you dream of princes and princesses?

God no, my dreams would be rather fucked up by most peoples standards

A band you love, that doesn’t seem to have as much of a following as they deserve?

I prevail, they’re getting bigger for sure but definitely deserve more

Before making a telephone call, do you ever rehearse what you are going to say? Why?

Sometimes and because I hate talking on the phone and talking to most people in general


Language: English