
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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How do you rise, when you fall down?

Fall down seven times, stand up eight. Because if you fall down and can't get yourself up you might aswell just lie there and die.

hur definierar du ordet mänsklig?

Beror på i vilket sammanhang. Att vara mänsklig kan vara både en enorm styrka och en stor svaghet. Allt beror på hur man ser det. Det viktigaste att komma ihåg gällande mänsklighet är dock detta:

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Hur tror du världen och människorna skulle vara om människor kund kontrollera sina känslor och humör som i boken do androids dream of electric sheep? Om du inte har läst boken så har människor har en fjärrkontroll som de kan kontrollera hur de känner, man kunde bli glad om bara tryckte på en knapp.

Väldigt tråkigt. Tyvärr så skulle vi nog ha en bättre fungerande världspolitik på detta sättet då ingen någonsin skulle bli förargad på någon annan.

...I know you will show restraint when exercising your great power.

You know, with great power comes great responsibility.

Wow you look absolutely gorgeous ❤️(⌒▽⌒)!! and since this is ask.fm I've to ask something.. What's your dream cosplay that you'd like to make someday?

Thank you for the compliment, really appreciate it =)
My number one dream cosplay would no doubt be Arthas Menethil as the Lich King from Warcraft/World of Warcraft. Warcraft is what I feel the thing that has shaped me the most as a person growing up, it has had the biggest influence on my life more so than anything else I can imagine, both in a positive and negative way. I have some of my fondest memories playing that game with people from all over Europe. And Arthas is by far my favorite character from the game so I would love to portray him in a cosplay. And hopefully this is a dream that can be realized fairly soon, if everything goes according to my plan :)

Do you believe we live in a dystopian society?

Depends entierly on the situation and where in the world you refer to. By no means do I feel Sweden to be dystopical, om the other hand we have such nations as Russia that currently are in quite dire situations. Note that I'm by no means an expert on the subject and these are nothing but my personal impressions.

So, you are a really pretty person. Tell us a downside with that.

To be honest, I don't really see much of a downside to being regarded as "pretty". I guess it could somewhat hinder people with lower self-esteem from socialising with you, I could also imagine it would be easier for people to lable you as pretentious or "elitistic" to some extent, if that makes any sense. But as far as I'm aware it hasn't been a problem for me thus far.
Thanks for the subtle compliment though~

Splurge a little and get PS3 and a PS4! Howaboutit

I won't get a PS4 until' it gets some games that appeal to me! But when they hit the shelves I'll definitely look into investing into one!
Liked by: Chris Andre Aakre

Why are you not a member of the glorious master race of PC gaming?

I have converted. Praise the Gaben cause all of whince his blobbness touchet is holy.
Liked by: R.M.

Varför är livet svårt?

Livet är det man gör det till. Bestämmer man dig för att göra livet svår kommer det vara jäkligt svårt. Om man å andra sidan bestämmer sig för att göra nåt åt saken och säga åt livet att dra åt helvete. Börja om, gör saker man tycker är roligt och mår bra av. Det är vad jag gjorde och det fungerade jävligt bra för mig.
Gnäll löser väldigt få, om inga, problem. Handling löser många fler.
Liked by: Elvina

Spiral Nemesis. Does it exist in real life? what do you think would be our world's equivalent?

Mattias Artano Persson
Interesting subject. I recon in theory, if we factor all different universes and planes of existance, there is a chance that the event would occur. I feel that on a practical scale it's highly unlikely (into the negative 10^n percentile) it would actually happen. Atleast at the same magnitude as in the original universe where it would destroy everything.
Liked by: Chris Andre Aakre


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