
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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Do you like solving mysteries?

Sure, my whole job is solving mysteries. Like why does this item make the game crash? Or why is this enemy not fun to fight against all of a sudden? Mysteries indeed!
Liked by: Jojo

Do you think it is possible to become almost like... Asexual or feeling so, when one is stressed out in life? I feel like this is happening to me. But maybe I am overreacting but I feel bad for my partner as he is not happy about it and I can't truly explain it... Hope this makes sense ><

I think it can happen because why couldn't it? Everyone has different reactions to stress. My sexdrive is really low as it is so I'm probably not in the example to go by for personal experience. I think the best thing you can do is to talk about it. Nothing is solved by not communicating with each other.
Liked by: Maya Sanders

Are you vegetarian or in the process of being so? What kind of vegetarian would you say you are? No red meat? No to all meat? No dairy? No eggs? Etc,

Sorry, I'm one of the sick fucks that really enjoy consuming the carcasses of dead animals.

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What kind of food would you want to have~

Probably one of:
Japanese at Ikki
Ramen at Kimama
Korean at Arrirang
These are restaurants we usually frequent here in Stockholm.
Sometimes we eat at Jensens Steakhouse aswell but they always manage to fuck up my orders so it's dropped down from my list.
Liked by: Linadia

If you had to choose, who is your favorite Disney character, and what is your favorite Disney movie and song? Yes they can all be from different ones! Mine are~ :D

Don't really like disney that much to be honest. I do enjoy Atlantis and Mulan though. The person that doesn't get fired up from Make a man out of you needs to get their shit checked out.
Liked by: ghost boiii

Have you tried the Mochi gelato from this gelato place in Stockholm near the Pizza Hut in Hötorget ? I did today and IT is mouthwatering X.x <3

Maya Sanders
Nope! Gotta check it out when the weather gets better.
Liked by: Maya Sanders

Right now you are dying to cosplay...? :D

I'm not really in a cosplay phase atm tbh. Got alot of work/studies going on atm. I'm really looking forward to doing Gintoki this summer again though, it's been way to long.

Favorite fandom(s)? :3

Not sure I have a favorite fandom per-se. I like Gintama, but I don't generally engage with other people that like Gintama other than my friends. And that sorta feels like a defining trait of a fandom.

Het! So i bought contacts for a cosplay, and I am just wondering where all I can buy some solution for them? Here in Sweden of course. ^^ thanks so much! :3

Maya Sanders
Any pharmacy really. Make sure you try out the solution so you don't get irritated from it. That sucks.
Liked by: Maya Sanders

Did/Are you watch/ watching "Making a Murderer" on Netflix? If so, do you think Steven Avery is innocent? What are your feelings on it?

Haven't watched it. The only show I watch on netflix is Archer. Because everyone needs abit of sociopathic spy in their life.
Liked by: Nimdra

Best one for buying merchandise at? ^^

Maya Sanders
Närcon. They have the largest selection of stores. Not sure how much is bootleg, but since I personally just care about good looking figures it doesn't really matter to me.
Liked by: Maya Sanders

You know how to drive a car?

Yes, I do. I used to own an awesome Audi A3 when I lived in Örebro. Best car I ever drove. So comfortable. I miss that car...
Liked by: NIEW

Please post a photo. Thanks:-)

On my way to work.
To quote one of the great philosophers of our time:
"Work work"
-Peon, Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos
Liked by: Mako

Haha ooops! I accidentally sent you a question in Finnish. S-sorry! Anyways, have nice day. ps. I'm in love with your cosplays~

Thanks :)

What is the last thing you do before bed?

Usually read some manga nowadays. I've probably finished over 10 long series this year, including Negima, The Breaker, Prison School and Berserk. I've come to realize again how relaxing reading actually is and appreciate it alot.
Liked by: NIEW

Are you generally a more optimistic or pessimistic person?

I'm a realist. Hope for the best, expect the worst are words I live by. That way you minimize the risks of getting hurt, in more ways than one.
Liked by: Peter Berglund

Hur är du?

Beror på i vilken situation du menar! Generellt sett ser jag mig dock som ganska bra faktiskt!
F.öv så blir det här väldigt mycket lättare för alla parter om man bara skriver på engelska istället! :)
Liked by: Ankka


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