
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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Var det en man eller en kvinna som uppfann datorn?

Om jag kommer ihåg min datorhistoria tror jag det var en kvinna. Men jag är inte säker. Testa att googla det? :)
Liked by: Demyxsitar

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What work do you have?

I work as an IT-consultant. Pretty much making sure everything computer related runs smoothly for a pretty big company here in Sweden.
Liked by: Mixi

What answer would be best for this question?

The answer that answers the question would probably be the best answer for the question that is questioned.
Liked by: Elvina R.M.

When will you visit me to buy fabric? You were hiding in your room yesterday, so I forgot to say good bye... I expect a visit instead.

Ofcourse! Sometime this autumn if everything goes according to plan! I'll have to get some fur and something really fancy for the cloathingy pieces of the kingsguard uniform! Hope you have/had a nice flight :) You will be missed greatly :<
Liked by: Shiki

Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more Like?

I don't know. Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do more look like?
Liked by: Patrik Ånberg

hej du är cool och jag vill cosplaya med dig någon gång ; - ;

Hej och tack! :D Det går nog att lösa, hojta om du gör nån serie som jag gjort/ska göra så kan vi kika på det :3

How often do you think about your future?

Basically, all the time. I'm constantly planning for the future so I face as little risk as possible of messing up my life. Get a plan of action and stick to it. Preferably, keep a plan B.

I think, you're the most cute swedish guy in the world. I really really love all your cosplay. and...and... i fall in love with you, sorry >///3///< ! ♥

Titan Sumi
You're too sweet! It feels sort-of surreal to hear such things, sometime I feel I get too much credit doing what I do. I'm just like to geek out and dress up as characters xD
But I really appreciate it! Thank you so much for the kind words! <3

You know russian cosplayers?

Yeah, a couple of them! They are generally really amazing at their craft! Naga and Aoki aswell as Jannetincosplay make some amazing pieces of craftsmanship!
Liked by: Katherine

Do you play or watch the game, Overwatch? Do you have a favorite? Of so, who? :)

I used to play it religously when it came out but I got pretty bored of it. Might pick it up again when Ana is out. I enjoyed Zenyatta alot and he's getting buffs aswell! Good times!
Liked by: NIEW

Do you like the Harry Potter movies? If so, which one is your least is which one is your most favorite? :)

Not a fan, havent seen the last 4 movies actually. I like the books though!
Liked by: Olivia

When you do read manga, where do you read it from? MangaFox, MangaHere, MangaReader, MangaRock... etc?

MangaRock on my iPad atm. Really nice and convenient.
Liked by: Maya Sanders


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