
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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Что ты делаешь в выходные дни?

I can't read cyrillic letters unfortionately, but google translate says this question is "What do you do during your weekends?".
Generally I enjoy spending time with friends and girlfriend aswell as playing videogames. I'm not really one that goes out partying if it's not a very special occasion.

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Do you play an instrument? Which?

I used to play quite abit of guitar. It's been a long time since I sat down with one though.

is it tru dat you so tall that even if you drop the soap you can safely pick it up without risking it? :D

Yes, but I'm always on the lookout for step-ladders!
Liked by: Akuzeru

What is your favorite sport to play?

I've only performed one kind of sport that I've enjoyed more than any else and that's martial arts. MMA and Muay Thai to be precise. I have few times before had so much fun and felt so good of a connection to people as when I was practicing at my old gym. That was a few years ago now though and I miss it all the time. Right now I unfortiounately don't have time with it since school is taking up most of my spare hours. Some day I will start again though! Best workout there is!

What is something you've always wanted to try, but never had the courage to do?

Nothing I can think of actually. If I want to try something i pretty much just do it instead of leading a life wondering what if.

That's so cool your doing game design what have you learned or done yet in that class?

Twd_pageforfans’s Profile PhotoBatmans Epilepsy(^+.+^)
So far we've been getting comfortable with Unreal Engine 4. Such a nice program to work with! Alot of fun habe been had so far. Other than that it's pretty much just basic gamedesign and playing around :)

In an absolutely ideal world where everything is perfect... .Who would you be in a relationship with? .What would be your occupation? .What would you be known for? .Where would you live?

The world can't be perfect because people are living in it. I'm pesimistic like that...
Liked by: Fabiola Mustang

If you could bring one fictional character into the real world for a day, who would you choose and what would you do in your one day together?

I would like to say Gintoki from Gintama. But he's a real douchebag and I can't see why he would like to hang out with me. So it would probably be Barney from How I met your Mother. Or possibly JD from Scrubs (preferably together with Turk).

You there! Yes, you! I just wanted to tell/remind you that you're awesome, pretty, cool and all things good. Not going to say "never change", bevause that's up to you, but, like carry on being awesome, at least. I know tjat you can pull of The things you want, sooner or later! ALL the love to you

I'm sorta already pulling off the things I want to do since I started studying gamedesign at a high end college here in Sweden :)
The future is bright!

Can you miss someone you've never met in person? //To the followed

I recon you can. Strong relationships can nowadays be formed quite easily between two people without them never meeting each other. For me personally I have met so many friends through online games that I never met that I miss from time to time. Especially from my days playing World of Warcraft. I'm fortunate enough to have befriended some of them on facebook or other social media so I can from time to time catch up with them, allthough many have disapeared from the radar completely and this saddens me.
Liked by: Sveta

You stand in front of a four dimensional representation of your own mind. Everything you think, thought or will be thinking is available for you right there and then. Every emotion, sensation and ideas that you will ever experience available, at the cost of your life own life. Would you?

Feels kind of redundant since you give your own life for it.


Language: English