
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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Gillar du lolis?

Generellt sett, nej. Jag är inget större fan av lolis. Tror det är känslan av pedofili som gör det hela lite magstarkt för mig. Lolis kan vara söta såklart, men de ligger inte så högt på min lista så att säga.

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How many and which cosplays have you done? *u* (If you can, post a picture please)

KimberlyBGtz’s Profile PhotoKimberly
Let's see if I can remember them all in chronological order!
Ezio Auditore da Firenze - Assassins Creed II
Hazama - BlazBlue
Soarin - My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
Venom - Guilty Gear
Isao Kondo - Gintama
Shinsengumi Gintoki - Gintama
Werewolf Gakupo in a suit (halloween costume) - Vocaloid
Vincent Brooks - Catherine
Chuck (Halloween costume) - Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Aono Tsukune (ghoul) - Rosario + Vampire
Murasakibara Atsushi (Teiko) - Kuroko no Basuke
Dante - Devil May Cry 4
Gintoki Sakata - Gintama
Kamina - Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann
Jack Skellington - Nightmare Before Christmas
Akatsuki Kain - Vampire Knight
Makoto Tachibana - Free
Aikurō Mikisugi - Kill la Kill
I think those are all my completed(ish) cosplays thus far! Which makes a total of 18 cosplays! Wow, I'm really surprised with that, never though I would end up here when I started three years ago, haha.
I created an album with pictures of all cosplays I could find, I feel like I have some costumes without any pictures of which is a shame, hehe.

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Dina top 5 favorit animes?

Haha, svårt att välja faktiskt.
Gintama finns alltid där som absolut top, finns inget för mig som kan tävla med Gintama.
De övriga fyra är svåra att bestämma. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann placerar väldigt högt. Även Clannad (även fast jag inte sett klart After Story av någon anledning). Code Geass är genialisk i genomförandet den också.
Nurarihyon no Mago är en serie jag tycker är skitbra med, dock finns det inte många som hört talas om den. Rekommenderas till alla som tycker om shounen i någon utsträckning.
Så det var väll de 5 serierna jag kunde komma att tänka på över rak arm som jag gillar.
Liked by: Kimberly Ebifurai

Hur kan man förebygga krig?

You can't. Because war never changes. History speaks rather clearly of that. Since war and conflict is something of human nature it's impossible to avoid it entierly. Because you'll better be sure someone has an opinion different from yours and that person will die fighting to protect it.

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Really Tyrone, get your shit together...

What gives you the most pleasure, doing something or not doing something?

It really depends on my mood. I tend to be more into not doing anything because I'm lazy by nature. But when I actually get to doing something I generally find great pleasure in that activity.

What's your favorite anime character? What makes them special to you?

cyberborn’s Profile PhotoKim
My favorite anime character ever is no doubt Gintoki Sakata from Gintama.
I guess the reason I like him is that hes not your average shounen hero, hes actually quite the scumbag to be honest, generally being a lazy bum not doing more then he can be bothered with. But you'd be damned if you started to mess around with him, his friends, his town or his planet.
And I feel like these are the things I find appealing with Gintoki. Hes flawed. Hes not your dime a dozen hero that looks out for everyone and makes everyones friends in the end. Therefore he is relateable. Hes a slacker, a perv, a glutton and a greedy bastard. But aren't most of us, to some extent?
So heres to you Gintoki, you slacking douchebag!
Liked by: Hanae. Vaughan

Så té är gott. Hur dricker du ditt té? Vilket är ditt favorit-té? Något té du verkligen inte gillar?

Inget extremt fan av té. När jag dricker det är det oftast någon typ av sött frukt/bär-té dock.

So, you are a really pretty person. Tell us a downside with that.

To be honest, I don't really see much of a downside to being regarded as "pretty". I guess it could somewhat hinder people with lower self-esteem from socialising with you, I could also imagine it would be easier for people to lable you as pretentious or "elitistic" to some extent, if that makes any sense. But as far as I'm aware it hasn't been a problem for me thus far.
Thanks for the subtle compliment though~


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