
Kasper Holmberg

Ask @SanguineSage

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Thoughts on Jessica Nigiri?

She seems pretty awesome. She doesn't take herself too seriously and gets rich doing what she loves. All the power to her!
Liked by: js

Feelings on companies that are still animal testing, like MAC? Will you still buy their products?

That sucks. A whole lot actually. I have to reflect on this cause I like MACs stuff.

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If you have ever owned an iPhone, have you had to deal with a cracked screen? Did you keep using it or try and replace it immediately?

Used to own an iPhone. Never broke the screen. Bow before me, mortal.

If I could move to anywhere in the world right now it would be...?

Some place nice in central Stockholm. Pretty darn happy at the moment, just need a proper place of living atm.

Right now you are dying to cosplay...? :D

I'm not really in a cosplay phase atm tbh. Got alot of work/studies going on atm. I'm really looking forward to doing Gintoki this summer again though, it's been way to long.

Which concert would you want to see right now?

I want to scratch some band off of my bucketlist so probably Foo Fighters.

Do you talk during / while watching movies or tv shows?

No, if not to drop a slight comment if something interesting happens. But having a conversation during is pretty disrespectful.
Liked by: Skellington

When it comes to harems on anime and manga are you for or against it? Personally i am less wanting to read or watch something if they have harem as a tag for it.... ^^'

kittytsukasa’s Profile PhotoMaya Sanders
It depends how they are portrayed. I'm currently reading Nisekoi which is a really amazing harem comedy manga that I really enjoy alot. But there are other cases where it turns out of hand alot, especially in more ecchi series. Generally I enjoy harem and rev harem, but it's easy to missuse it.

When you travel out of country, like Japan for example, do you go with an empty suitcase? Or maybe just the essentials?

I bring what I think I will need. The next time I go to Japan I'll hopefully have more cash to shop so I'll bring less to go.

How often do you buy clothes and do you shop primarily online or in your city?

Very rarely. I only buy clothes when my old ones break/become nasty or when I find something I really like. I generally buy tshirts and the like online and pants/shoes in a store.

What do you do for work? Did you go to school for it? Or are you planning on going to school for a certain career later on? :3

I'm a game designer. I'm currently having my internship for school at a gamescompany. It's extremely fun to be able to work with something you love, I recommend it to everyone and all.

Will you be going to jpopcon this weekend? If so what will you cosplay if anything? ^^

Nope, I'm currently sick and poor so cant afford it and I'm very much under the weather :(

Would you rather see a concert, musical or play?

Concert, definitely. I love live music so much, but never really got into musicals. The theatre isn't my cup o tea generally.

Do you use emojis often? Or do you feel you can express yourself enough without them :)

I use them when they are appropriate.

Ska du titta på finalen för Melodifestivalen lördag? Vem vill du att representera Sverige?

Har inget som helst intresse av Melodifestivalen. Finns det en Svensk "tradition" som skulle kunna få dö ut så är det den. Tveklöst.

What sport do you like watching but hate playing?

Hockey is pretty much the only traditional sport I can get som form of enjoyment out of watching. I like watching martial arts and esports from time to time but wouldn't lable either as traditional sports per-sé.


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