

Ask @Sirba

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But there's no withdrawal if there's no real investment, right? ;)))))) And there hasn't been one quite yet.

Well I lost a follower because of this so I'm assuming we withdrew that, guess the bank owes me something now.
Liked by: tara

Come to me late at night and insert...... your debit card inside me. Maybe I'll consider. ;)))))))

Are you saying valuable things will come out from inside of you if I push the right buttons and touch the right parts of the screen?
Liked by: tara

But that would make for a safer deposit, wouldn't it? Who wants a life bereft of mystery and danger? ;))))))))))

Come on, you can do this in dirty bank talk. You get one more shot to convince me.
Liked by: tara

Only fair, since you already have mine ;)))))))))))

I have your interest but not your business card, what if I have a big treasure in need of safekeeping late at night, who would answer my booty-related call?
Liked by: tara

Who is the craziest person you know?

Maybe I should question who's the sanest because all of those folks around me are quacks
Liked by: tara

Us + a-loan= makes for a very good deposit ;)))))))))))))))))))

It's a rather large deposit, but I'm hoping to pay you back with interest ;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
Liked by: tara

If you're prepared to make a good investment, sure ;))))))))

I'm ready to take you out on a loan ;))
p.s gosh dammit I meant to say "fraud protection" at my last response so I'm just crossing my fingers you assumed that was implied.
Liked by: tara

releasing the fish back is cruel tbh. why release it? so it can get hooked by the mouth again and get dragged in again. used to go fishing with my dad and that's what put me off tbh, catching fish that had multiple hook scars around their mouths and them flopping around in the throes of death

There's a debate going on right now on whether fish does actually process pain or whether it has feelings, period. For me what I thought to be the most cruel part of fishing was using live bait, that I wasn't cook with. I think fishing has extremes, on the one hand you got people who obey regulations, then you have people who catch sharks and slice off their fins alive then toss them back in the water, whether or not fish feel pain that's an extremely inhumane thing to do and, and makes releasing fish with just hook scars relatively more tolerable. The point of releasing the fish is for it to live alright and keep the ecosystem unfucked with (relatively speaking) I'm sure a new piercing or two isn't going to ruin its life, fish is too stupid to think that its life is cursed because of how often it gets hooked. If you don't want people fishing for fun, good luck with that and I support you. My beef is if you're out there hunting animals, you either kill it right and make use of the life you took, or you let live. Fishing is a little blind and it's hard to tell if the fish you're wrestling is a keeper or not. If a less-gory method of catching fish gets invented, I'm all for it. Maybe we can use a suction cup or plunger and attach that to our rods, or abandon rods altogether and use drones that have motion-activated trap nets or whatever, I dunno dude. The only other alternative i can think of is making fish smarter so they don't get caught twice or something.

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Liked by: tara
+1 answer in: “What do you think about animal hunting?”

If you could say something to your younger self, what would you say?

I'll shout all of that on his ass then disappear into the bushes, he'll be absolutely dumbfounded. Then years later he'll see my messages appearing one by one, bet it's gonna freak him out as he becomes clarivoyant in liberal Democrat affairs.
I mean, I could totally tell him winning lottery numbers. But nah. After a second thought, it doesn't really matter what I tell him, as I'm sure he's going to forget it anyway.
Liked by: tara


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