

Latest answers from Braixen

So why does the fairy tale happen for everyone else but me 😞😞😞

I dont know, dont ask me, idk what a fairy tale is

What do you think about rain??

Dont Care
Rain is calm to me, it makes me feel like my stress just leaves me when i look at it or walk in the rain, at the same time I don't like my clothes getting wet

Here is some News

If you wish to talk to me again, friend me on discord at
This is my new account on discord cause of stuff.

Would you ever get a piercing? Where?

(no where....)((Trueblue is now ignoring me, even when i try to message her when she is online...))

Do you really believe people evolved from apes?

(sorry if im not online anymore...if u want try to um get my discord, nad i got 2 friend requests from Chronicle#0055 and Phagon#5377

Language: English