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Do you find it perfectly fine for someone who is 20+ to still live with their parents and not working anywhere (like me)? My little sister’s friends told my little sister that I should’ve been out of the house at 18 and I hate how that’s the “norm” these days.

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If it is not viable for you to live alone currently due to financial or job situations, then there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Fuck whoever says otherwise. This economy sucks.
I don't see any problems, everyone does what they can. If someone wants and has the possibility (which is very important and everyone seems to forget it) to go out of home when they are 18 they do it, but this don't means everyone can. But I still advise you to at least find a job
Its fine if your in school or working. Like contributing. My mom was sick after i graduated i helped take care of her until i was 21 it just depends
It’s fine considering the economic state of the country, but I must say that parents do need their privacy sometimes and adult children being present all the time can certainly present difficulties, but this is something that can definitely be worked out if communicated properly.

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