
Syed Farhan

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Syed Farhan
Hussain A.S gave everything he had, including his life And life of whole family, for the greater good and for the benefit of those around him, and his epic legacy continues to inspire millions across the world on a daily basis.
*I only desire to spread good values and prevent evil*
-(Hussain Ibne Ali A.S)
No more than 60 years had passed since the death of Muhammad (the last prophet of Islam), and the Muslim Empire was sliding into corruption under a tyrant from the Ummayad dynasty, Yazid.
Hussain ibn Ali, the grandson of Prophet Muhammad took a stand against Yazid’s illegitimate rule. Whilst Yazid was in equal parts feared and despised for his ruthlessness, Hussain was admired and respected by society at large. Mindful of this, Yazid decided that he would demand Hussain’s allegiance, hoping to gain some form of legitimacy for his inherited rule.
Hussain A.S had a choice to make. To endorse Yazid would no doubt mean a handsome reward and a life of luxury. To refuse would invariably lead to his own demise. What should he do? What would you or I do? For Hussain the choice between the easy way and the right way was no choice at all. Hussain refused. He said:
"I will never give Yazid my hand like a man who has been humiliated, nor will I flee like a slave… I have not risen to spread evil or to show off…
Rather, I have left to restore the teachings of my grandfather Muhammad… And I only desire to enjoin good values and prevent evil…
My Moula ♡
My Inspiration ♡
Humanity's Inspiration
Proud To Be Hussaini ♡
-(Hussain Ibne Ali A.S)

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What is one place in the world you wish you lived? STAIF

Chuck that..
This site has seriously become so superficial and lately it's only been about funny one liners and likes. I'd like to utilize whatever little following I have over here to shed some light on the recent tragedies that have taken place in Saudi Arabia. I'd also like you all to stop sending in questions regarding what faith I practice. I am a muslim who believes in Allah and his Prophet and I think that's all that matters. We are one ummah, divided into denominations. But just because we're divided on certain things, doesn't mean we ignore the fact that all of us believe in Allah and that alone is enough to extinguish the fire of hate. Hate crimes against Shia's have increased drastically since ISIS have taken it upon themselves to eradicate any faith other than theirs and they rape animals, sell and parade women naked and burn newborns amongst other things. They claim to be Muslim which in fact isn't true since they rape animals and women alike while they don't turn towards Qibla's direction while offering Salah. Islam is a religion of peace and these savages are the transgressors sent from hell. They do not have a soul. They claim to be Muslim while they burn Sunnis, Shias, Sufis etc. They bombed a shia mosque in qateef a week ago in jummah prayers and 32 or more people were martyred. Yesterday, they bombed anood mosque in jummah prayers again and these two brave hearts stopped the suicide bomber out of suspicion when he blew himself, taking their lives and the lives of two other people. My heart goes out to the mothers of these beautiful boys and the dreams they had which will never be realized now. I'd like to raise awareness about the monstrosity ISIS has caused while they throw away the teachings of the most peaceful and intelligent man who gave away his life and his family's lives in the name of this religion and that man is Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.s). Please spread the word and google all the gut wrenching crimes committed by ISIS and while you're at it, pray for all those who've died at the hands of dogmatism. To him we belong and to him we shall return!

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bro one of my friend need money 6000 his dad is not well :'( doctor said for operation 21,000 is needed they only have 15,000 his uncle or any family member they are not helping :( he is very poor, he said he will return money with in 5 days he can give you his anything you want if you dont trust:(

Give My Number To Your Friend
Tell Him To Meet Me
Take The Money
No Need To Return It
Just Remember Me In Your Prayers
Bus Dua Mey Yaad Rakhna !


Syed Farhan
A man in USA sees a tiger attacking a
.. He fights the tiger, it dies!
Newspapers report "LOCAL HERO SAVES GIRL FROM TIGER " . .
Man says
"I'm not American"
Report changed "Foreign Hero Saves girl from tiger" . .
Man says: . "Actually I'm Muslim ."
Breaking News: . "Terrorist killed Innocent tiger which was playing with a Girl.."
This is Western (Zionist) media. #Deep


Syed Farhan
Allah performed the marriage of of Ali ( (A.S.) And Fatima (S.A.) in heaven first. At the order of Allah, all plants, trees, fruits, palaces and all heavens were decorated very beautifully. Strongest fragrances were spread by winds in all heavens. In melodious voices, houries recited the chapters of TAHA, YASEEN, HAA MEEM, AIN SEEN QAAF.
All residents of heavens were ordered to be witness that Allah had performed marriage of Fatima (S.A.) the daughter of muhammad (S.A.) with Ali (A.S)son of Abi Talib (A.S.), and both were happy to be married. A grand dinner was offered to all residents of heaven to celebrate the marriage.
By the command of Allah, a pure white cloud moved every where in all heavens showering diamonds, pearls, jade, emeralds and rubies etc. As a rain of precious jewels. The angels and houries celebrated, picked them happily and showered hyacinths and cloves on each other.
By the command of Allah, Raheel, the most eloquent angel, recited the most beautiful marriage sermon in his eloquent voice. It was the effective sermon, which was never heard by angels before.
Allah said: "O My angels and the residents of My heaven, convey My blessings and news of My favours to Ali Ibne Abi Talib and Fatima, the beloved daughter of Muhammad Mustafa. I have married My servant Fatima to that man who is the most beloved to Me next to muhammad."
Allah sent angel Jibraeel, who, with great happiness, landed before prophet, greeted, congratulated and narrated celebration of marriage of Ali (A.S.) and Fatima (S.A.) in heaven. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.S) felt great happiness and thanked Allah for choosing one divine light to be the life partner of another divine light.
Moula E Kainaat Ali A.S And Fatima (S.A.) Best Couple And Inspiration For Humanity Ya Ali A.S Madad ?

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Love or money ? Reasons as well.

Love. Definetely.
If it's love, as love should be - you'll be the richest person on the world - and definetely the happiest.
And when you're happy, you'll make money...
Sounds weird isn't it, but it's true...
When you're happy, you approach everything around with a positive energy and you just can't not make money then...
the money will just come in...
It's true!
But what is more important is What satisfies you most....
There are some people - though they are not rich or they dont have money, you will find them happy and smiling always :)


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