
Evil Steve

Do you think getting older (40, 50, 60) is depressing for people or a happy occasion?šŸ˜¶

Depends on what they think of getting older and not being young anymore. Are they where they hoped to be, or someplace that works well for them? Do they feel like they missed out on parts of youth or that they no longer have the time to pursue something?
Some people look forward to aging as it frees them from youthful foolishness. Some fear it, seeing a loss of something great in their life.
Aging just is. Just go with it.
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Latest answers from Evil Steve

R u planning to get any tattoos

I used to want some, but half of me realized that if I'm gonna get something, I want it to be definitive of me. Then I thought about that and couldn't come up with something that expresses it well.

Whatā€™s the most embarrassing thing your have ever done?

Not something I shall speak of. Its not interesting, and best forgotten in the past

What is one thing you will never do again?

Stay awake for 24 hours, drive 4 hours to visit a friend for the day, stay until evening, then drive home, at night, alone, on a highway that has no lighting.
Sleep deprivation plus sensory deprivation is a Hell of a trip, but not when one is driving. Especially not if one has to work the next day (easy job, but still)

What's more valuable, brains or beauty?

Brains are a long term investment, Beauty is a short term profit.
Beauty, as a marketable tool, fades with age in the living, and fashion all else. Brains retain the value of what they produce throughout time.

Is 4 days strait of rain too much for you, or not enough?

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When I first moved to roughly where I live now (west coast Canada) I was reminded of the bit in the bible about 40 days and nights of rain.
Then Autumn faded into Winter and i thought 40 days? Pfft. Wimps.
Rain doesn't even faze me now. 4 days is nothing. Bring it.
Also it means the nights are colder and the air is cleaner. Good for me. Mud is sometimes a problem at work, but any amount of rain brings mud, so...oh well.

In what city do you live?

A crappy one. But all population centres are crap in their own way, either by geography, layout, people, or management.

How was your day??

When this was asked? Pretty quiet. Not much happening.
Now. The same with more rain.
sorry it took so long.

Language: English