
Toni-Ann McQueen

Ask @ToniAnnMcQueen

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opinion on jack hodgdon

We used to be quite close but I haven't seen him in ages and I miss him,he's hilarious too

Opinion on Olivia Forde?

She's my bestfriend,I mean that too,she's always there for me through everything and means so much to me,she's so perfect and beautiful and I can trust her with ANYTHING.
I love her so much I can't even describe x

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Yes Olivia forde

Olivia:she's so perfect and doesn't take shit off anyone,she's my bestfriend and I trust her with everything
Danielle:Known her since primary school so for about 9 years and she means the world to me,always been my best friend and always will be,she's perfect too and she's also the best dancer ever ever ever


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