
Toni-Ann McQueen

Ask @ToniAnnMcQueen

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What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?

Eat and not gain any weight
Grow my hair really long
Have nice eyes
Be barbie basically

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really ok i advice you to take care about being virgin ???

You advice me?hahahah
'Take care' what the hell you on about?

opinion of Chloe Suddes?AHAHAHA

We didn't really get on but it was just because I was being too judgmental and bitchy,I said sorry tonight and I think we're okay now,she's beautiful no matter what anyone says and tbh,I love her,she's not afraid to say what she thinks x

Opinion of naomi morton, kaitlyn malloy and ciara peart? Year 7

Don't really know the first two but they're pretty
Ciara's like my little sister,she's so beautiful,love her to bits x


Language: English