
Toni-Ann McQueen

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You tried to be like Claudia Cain on that photo on instG it just doesn't work please stop..

I tried to be Claudia Cain? Hahaha
I don't even follow her on Instagram so how would I know she takes pictures like that?i highly doubt it

fav year 9's?

There's really too many,if I said some of them I would forget others and feel bad,the ones that I know and talk too are my favourite

nope i wont be able to cheer you up,just know that you are perfect x

You will,your making me smile now,just talk to me,please please please:((x

but,its the truth? you are beautiful,dont let anyone tell you different

But,it's not the truth at all
I love you x


I always fuck things up with everyone.
you know when you feel like just going to sleep and you think you'll wake up and everything will be okay?well I cant do that because everything doesn't just sort itself out anymore.
as soon as I log into ask.fm 'questions' are waiting for me just to read them and get upset by them.
I wanted to go see lee,but I can't.
I guess people just love pissing me off:)

pack it in putting stunning photos on of your self, i get more jell of you everytime you put one on :(

I haven't put any photos on Facebook or Instagram so your okay aren't you.


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