
Kayla Lemos

Ask @Uniquebelieber28

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All u 44 girls r so ugly and annoying! I hate u all!!!!

LOL all of us '44' girls...maybe stop asking us then you dumb fuck...you're the annoying one here..

R u friends with Kajul Khela? Cuz her only friends are those 3 grade 7's.......And she says she has a lot of friends... Liar!

1: fucked up name
2: suck a dick
3: shut the fuck
4: no I am not

That wasn't me!!!!! Someone was on my account who asked u guys those questions!!!!!! It wasn't me who sent the hate!!!!

That's what everyone says..but ight

Whats the best thing to use when you are just getting your period ? pad or tampon ?

Depends on the person tbh..but I would say a pad because your body isn't used to it, and you wont be uncomfortable.


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