
Kayla Lemos

Ask @Uniquebelieber28

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do you love your family ?

yes, even tho we have our ups and downs..i love everyone that's in my family cousins and all... :*

It's so nice to find someone on ask who's not a slut posting nudes every 5 min. Stay classy :)

aha awe thank you ! I love you anon ;* finally someone who doesn't call me shit.

No like later in life like 20s or something

I plan on having children when im in my late 20s so idfk..come off anon ;)

Opinion on sarah costa bryson gouthro and alexandra sousa

Sarah - I miss her, she is beautiful , so nice and caring I love her! Major hangouts soon ;*
Bryson - We dated in the summer, hes nice, funny and yea hangouts soon.
Alexandra - Gorgeous , so nice and funny, amazing at like all sports :o msg me sometime :')


Ŵell.... here are the basics.
-Name calling
-Pregnancy & having to carry a baby for 9 months...
-Having to much clothes,but still nothing to wear
-Trying to look nice eachday ...
-Takes 2 hours to get ready
-Non stop bull shit being said about you
-Not being able to trust anyone
-Being called slut,cunt,bitch,hoe for no apparent reason ..
-Being called ugly constantly, even tho you try your best to look good..
-No one to lean on and cry
-Being alone
-Always scared of doing anything, because no matter what you get judged ..
...& yea..society is fucked.


Language: English