
Varun B.

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Happy Birthdayy Varun! Have a great day and stop flirting with every girl xD Stay happy and please take care of your girlfriends from now on. :'P

Thankyouu :D and I stopped flirting a month ago...sooo no girlfriends :p hahaha ! Thankyou again :D


Hahahhahah thaaannkkkyyyouuu :D and yeahh I hope the same :D and u can tell here.. :p I won't. Answer that!
Liked by: Janvi Chill Dragon


She says she doesn't know what's love anymore..Is it hurting the one you are with the most..and the couples who get hurt the most are the best couples? Is it hating every thing of the other person..making the other one think they don't deserve you..is it making the other one so jealous so that he just stops loving you? Is it about double/Triple dating ? Making a point that you are a player..and you can do anything you want? Is it about money? The couple who spends the most money in a single day? Is it about that? Is it about looking prettier or hot or cute from the outside no matter what you are from the inside ? Is that all love is now? She asked. I went speechless..cause I liked her the day I saw those eyes..but the meaning she is giving..it is just...I can never make her stop Believing on that..maybe its the bad past she got..but I had the same..I've been broken more than her I guess..but what made her believe that defination of love? Is it because she is far away from true love ? The feeling she gets when she sees cute couple what is it? Is it same as mine? I know I am a bit fast! But if she keeps thinking that love is all that shit she wrote then maybe I could never change her idea bout it..maybe the best part is making her feel what true love is? Not true but pure..pure love..that's what I am gonna show her..gonna make her like me..and then gonna treat her as someone I love the most!! And maybe...she would understand true love finally...maybe she wouldn't think of love= sick..maybe she will blush everytime I say something to her...maybe she would then learn to say I love you too. ? Maybe then she would know that we've suffered the same and that's how its gonna be..maybe being together we could undo what bad happened to us? Maybe we could complete what we always thought was incomplete? Maybe that spot which was hurt can be healed now? Maybe this valentine's which is gonna be a rainy valentine..we can have each other..maybe not everything you faced was bad..after all you came to know about someone who suffered the same? Am I right? I don't know what's going inside that crazy mind of yours. I am not saying that be in love who has suffered the same..be in love with anyone who does the following things..and makes you smile..
1.Makes you laugh
2.Is cute inside out and makes you fall for him everytime
3.The one who is different from other
4.The guy who understands you well
5.Who will proudly hold your hand no matter what
6.One who never leaves your side
7.One who makes you laugh
8.One who knows when you are angry..or sad and makes up to you.
9.One who would tell you how much u mean to him everyday
10.Who would talk to you all day without being bored.
11.Who accepts you with all your flaws..and whom you accpet with all flaws he has.
P.s. Don't hurt just loveee...

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Birthday coming up..should be excited I guess..I mean gonna be 17 after all..have some great people with me by my side..but they all are virtual. Haven't met them yet and I don't know when I will..maybe never..or maybe soon. That's the thing about people you meet online..its hard to meet them even though you just live a dozen kms away..they don't know how you look underneath all that photoshop and flashes..they don't know if you'll be a good person in nature or just another one of the two faced people.but ever thought maybe that person is kind of the sweetest person you'll ever meet? Maybe he doesn't has any attitude but is shy to talk when you meet the first time? Maybe that person Is waiting for a long time just to meet you? Maybe that person gets ready and gets set the way you mentioned about your ideal person..maybe they plan a perfect day for you..so that you could enjoy..maybe they wear your fav. Color thinking you might like them a lil more..they kind of fight with their family just to go out with you..and finally the day is there when they get to meet the person of their dream..they reach the spot where they Were told but no call comes or any person..they wait for hours..but then a msg comes..I am angry at some other situation..so I can't meet you..at that time you make a joke and say ohh yeah sorry I can't meet too. You never tell the truth that you waited so much..then you return back to your home..on the way you cry a lil inside..you think that maybe it was just an excuse..maybe they saw you and you weren't looking good.and they went back..questions like this arise in your head..you feel that you are less..there is something less in you..but to be honest...that person was less..that person had hopes set high..that person cared bout the outer you instead the inner you..they forget that being perfect doesn't mean u judge everyone else...whose fault it is that they are perfect? Its our fault..we were the one saying you are perfect..you are beautiful you make our life pErfect..maybe if that day you would've said we are pretty..we make each other perfect then? Its good to compliment..but don't compliment people who don't appreciate it..
Loving someone by their body is just too.....cheap..really.. I mean what if they get fat? Where is the body? Body gone love gone..that's why you should give time to everything a lil time to everything..and maybe it'll turn out to something you call forever? Love just doesn't happen in a click..sometimes starting a lil slower..is perfect..someday you'll meet someone who appreciates every word you say to them..someone who understands you well..someone who has suffered the same and knows what u r going through...just hold onto that person..and never leave..maybe if you go a lil slow..you might find your perfect? Or just another friend..
P.s. I know this para sucked a bit.. But still..sorry,

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