
Varun B.

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The fights for who will take the ball home. The fights for who won who lost. I miss those, i really do. Knowing all your hiding spots in hide n seek was the best thing. Sitting on the roof throwing water balloons on unknown was my favourite sport. Till the time you went. Till the time you went away.
All was bright and shining still i don't understand why you had to go, Why ? Giving me all those memories. All that fun. You gave me so much but when the time came to pay you back you went away. I wonder why. Were you there just to make me happy? If you were then i am sorry but you failed because i am sad again. So now you have two options either you come back or i'll come there. Whichever suits you best. You were here every time i came crying after a breakup. You were there to make me happy. To be honest i never felt like getting into a relationship because i had you. Next to me,Guiding me, Loving me,Surprising me, Making me smile at stupid things.
I wonder why people even come in our lives when they know they will go. Making us sad,does that make them happy ? Does that make them feel alive? Or loving us. Taking care of us makes them happy. Its really confusing. Was my love less? Or was my heart to small for you? Was this world so cruel to you that you had to leave ? That too without me? Ever thought how i would feel? Such a selfish person you were from the starting. Always thinking about yourself.
Well i wont fall into a river just to be closer to you. I wont waste a thousand tissue papers to get over you. I guess i just wont ever get over you. But that doesn't mean i'll cry for you. You taught me one good thing. That was to be strong. I'll do that. I'll be strong. But not that strong that i'll forget you soon. Just strong enough to keep a smile on my face and a picture of you in my heart. I know you never liked when I used to take all your privacy away. So now, now i'll give you all your privacy. I wont come up with you. I will stay down and make you proud. I wont be able to see you alive but i promise i'll keep you alive. I'll keep you alive in my heart. In my memories. Yes i will meet new people but no one will ever make me feel like you did. All i can say now is just be happy where ever you are. In some other life i'll take my revenge, don't worry you ass.
*on special request*

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Being young,all he wanted was to grow up. As being grown up seemed so fun. Driving cars. Racing bikes. Watching movies with friends. It all seemed so fun but as years passed by, all he wanted was to be young. A lil younger than he was because he understood what was being a grown up meant.
It means that all the responsibility is on your head. You get punished if you do good or if you do bad. And if you don't do anything, you get judged. People start seeing you with a bad eye. Thinking stuff about you which is not even true and spreading rumours which never existed.
Being grown up means that you cant act with your friends like you did before. The guy you treated as your brother while you were young now ignores you and gives others attention. The same guy now gets annoyed when you call him by his nick name. The same guy now races against you than with you.
The girl you always treated like your younger sister doesn't even talk to you because her boyfriend is her life. The same girl who used to fight with your parents just to see you once, now rarely comes up in front of you.
When you grow up things change. People change. Life changes. The friends who were once next to you. Making fun of others are now in front of you and guess making fun of who?
The faster you know it, the better. People change. There is a stage you stay alone. Without friends. Without support of anyone. Everyone goes through it sometime in their life span.
A day will come when you will know there is no place for useless friendship or useless relationships. A day will come that you'll think as a 5 year plan but live one time a day. That day, you wont be needing any support. That day you'll become independent. That day you'll become a grown up. One who laughs all day and hides his sorrows. One who loves everyone because he knows he has no time to hate anyone. One who cares but not worries. That day you'll be a grown up.

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Hand to hand, feet to feet they walk. Leaving the past behind. Crossing every bridge together. Making every problem go away. Smiling for each other. Motivating each other to rise up. Sharing everything one could imagine. Loving others. They stood tall.
Few said they were meant to be together while many said its just a one time thing. They were just friends. For them it was as long as it lasts. But no one understood. Because they were always together. Laughing together. Having fun together. Like a real couple does. But for them. They were just being crazy. Crazy as hell.
Years passed. They stayed strong. Everything was just the same except their relationship status. He stayed single while she went into a relationship. Meetings were delayed. He was ditched. Life was hell. Till he realised, that he couldn't live without her. That the world seemed empty when she was not with him. That no one understands him better than her. That he was really deeply madly in love with her. The way she used to make him smile. The way she used to irritate him and then make it up to him. It took him years to realise he was always in love with her. While she still remained clueless. Lost in a love story of her own. Going to a planned proposal. Waiting for her guy to come and propose. When he came barging in. Shouting. Every moment they touched each other and the spark that flew. Making her believe that its him she is meant to be with. Not with anyone else. Making her believe that its the right move and should happen right away. Or else he wont be able to forgive himself. Kneeling down. With an open ring box. He tells her everything he ever wanted to.
"The way your hair move with the wind, the way your nose gets red when its cold, the way you smile when you're acting crazy. The way you feed me when i don't wanna eat. The way your eyes shine brighter at night. Making the stars look dull. The way you roam around everywhere in your pyjamas without fearing of being commented on. I love it. I love how you know it what i need even before i say. I always wanted someone like that. And you're the only one i found. I don't know how you feel but i just wanted to put my feelings out there."
Someone grabbed him from back as soon he took the first step. It was her. Tears in her eyes. Making him feel sad. Making him love her more. Hugging her tight and saying,"Now that you are here,i wont ever let you go away."
Nothing changed in a major way. The hands which were distant before now used to hold each other. The feet that were used to hit now were used for tickling.
It took time. But they got their love. It'll take time but you'll find your love too.

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15th Feb 2014 ♥ Remember anything?

The lonliest birthday of my life. The day i spent in a dark room. The day i thought why do i even talk to those worthless people who cant even be with me on my birthday. Here is a big thankyou to every person who was my friend before this date- 15.02.14. You are no longer my friend :) and thankyou again for telling me i was wrong who trusted you. See ya


Smiling in sadness. Thats how he is. No one knows what made him that or how he became that. Life threw bricks at him but he stood up. He stood up and faced them. He got to know how everyone thought such low about the others. How 'i like you' somehow meant i wanna date you to them. How one word you say here gets to there in one minute. He was as cheap as it got. He used to send few lines to same people cause hey he used to feel same bout few people. But how would they know. For them he was just a topic. Which later turned out to be a cheap. Sending few lines to both of them trying to make them both happy. But hey you are always bad when you do something good. It takes time or even death to be known by the good you did and not the bad. How many smiles you gave to people than tears. Fake tears. Haha. He came across so many people but one was a master piece. Thinking she is some princess. Well she kinda was for him. She told him. You're a genuine person man. I just want someone easy to hurt. You're just too genuine. That was the weirdest thing he heard. It was like ' hey i know you like me a lot but i cant date you cause you are the forever kinda guy and i don't want that'. How stupid could it get? More. The answer is more. She caught him flirting with her best friend and she said 'you're just like every other guy'. And he got like first i am too good next i am too bad. What the F is your problem lady? He had so much to say but let it be. Not every ending is a happy ending. And maybe if its not happy, it isn't the end yet.

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Write? :)

Laying in a blood bath of his own. Thinking about all the good times he spent. Its strange how, when you are about to die you remember everything good happened. When you want to remember it the most you cant but when there is no use remembering it, you do. As the blood spreads on the floor. He starts to remember how the friends once he had were so good with him. The girl once he left how much she loved him. He starts to remember how much his mother loved him. The same mother whom he hated a while a back. He remembers how her mother used to say, no matter what don't ever give up on your life. But all he could think was that did she meant it? How she once used to trust him once, will she do it again? How his friends were the only people he trusted. Will they get back with him? How the girl he lost to cheating. Will she come back? Loosing conscious.
Life flashes back. Whatever he see makes him stop it all once n for all. Thinking what went wrong? Just cause he was out of friends? Just cause his parents thought of him as a useless piece of junk? Just cause the girl he trusted and loved left him for someone worse? Just cause his life wasn't on track he thought derailing. ? Everyone has problems. Few have more. Few have less. But cutting isn't an option. As he closes his eyes. He thinks of every person that ever troubled him. There were numerous. But still that doesn't mean you die? In the end maybe someone would be smiling. In the end at least he made someone smile.

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"Without her the world seems sad,Without her the world seems empty."
Gazing at the moon thinking she might be doing the same. There was nothing wrong between them except a few misunderstandings but sometimes the little things take over.His eyes could barely open up but still he wrote her a message saying,"without you i am just a sad soul. With you i feel like i am the happiest person. But i don't know whats going on right now. We keep getting together and keep getting away, I don't know what to believe. You're there in my dreams. You're there in front of my eyes but you keep fading away. You're someone i really fell for,Cause you accepted me with all my flaws. I may have been wrong before but now i know i am right. I am on the right path following the right way chasing the right girl. But this light scares me. I wanna go back in the dark. I am still not ready for the people out there who keep lying to each other. I am not that much ready to face all those lies again but i won't let you go, i won't leave your hand this time. I just want you to go a lil slow. So that even if this world doesn't get right, our love does." Hitting the send, he closes his eyes. Dreaming of her like everyday. Smiling while sleeping and crying when he is awake like everyday. Maybe its cause she is there with him in his dreams but not in his real life. But at least he is smiling in one way or another unlike her.
Closing the curtains cause she knows there is no use seeing the moon anymore cause the one she used to see for and miss is no longer in her life. Even when it wasn't her mistake she took the blame on herself. Cause maybe she loved him so much that she couldn't see him guilty. Rubbing every word she ever wrote in her notebook thinking of him. Getting tired of not wanting him. Smiling just cause the sake of society. Facing rubbish just for someone's happiness. Hiding million secrets cause she promised she won't tell anyone. But it was over. She had it enough. She was tired of hearing the word liar before her name. She lost all her patience and finally built up courage to tell him that it was his mistake. Telling him what kind of ass he was that he left her and now she won't ever come back. Thats the day when she really smiled for herself not caring about anything that anyone is calling. That day she was happy cause of her. That day she set the right for herself. That day she met someone better than her ex. That day she made guys fall for her. That day she became a free bird and stole many hearts. That day people saw the real magic in her smile. That day she promised she won't suffer anymore.
"You're mona lisa,i am Da Vinci.
The smile on your face is all i need."

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Language: English