

Ask @Vinayaka_Sanganeria

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You retard, I said stuff about the story, not the short form that makes it sound like the petrol pump around the corner.

Wanna see a movie? Seriously.

You need to get off your fat ass first.
And, Paul Walker died. I've lost my faith in good movies for a fixed period of time. :'/

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Yeah, okay. But I'll need it back by the 5th 'cause i hafta give it to someone else too :P

Deal. :D
Btw, how many pages is it?

If you think LfA is deep, read The Fault in Our Stars. Warning: Don't read it before going to bed.

I borrowed Looking for Alaska yesterday. Almost finished it. :/
I need to do something with my life. :P
And give awasthi the book na plz. He'll give it to me in school.


Says the guy who finds the time to stalk my profile and ask me questions like this one.
India isn't progressing because of people like you. Although there is hardly a possibility, try to do something constructive with your life.
Now go on, I hear your mommy's calls for milk and cookies.
Btw, since you've got so much time to waste, take a look at the quote in my bio.

What is the most important thing your country has given to the world?

How to invent new copied laws from other constitutions without legalizing them.
America's 5th amendment act: Any American citizen can reserve his right to say whatever he or she feels like, at whatever time he or she may consider correct.
India's PM: ........

You are going to sorely regret that last answer when he sees it:3

He got me tortured in school today.
As Usher says,
"Let it burn"

Um, his nickname. I HAVE to watch out for his phone. I acvidently mentioned the word 'Whatsapp' to him and he got really pissed because strangely, his Nokia doesn't have Whatsapp. I think that's when he tried to kill me.

Awasthi, I'll whatsapp this screen grab of you getting burned.
Oh wait.
Liked by: Kaushik Kothari

What's the NPT?

The Non-Proliferation Treaty. It's a thing in the UN restraining countries from making atomically powered or radioactive weapons which in any way, may cause harm to man.

Not to mention the torch, it has a torch. It can blind us while it bombs us. Multi-tasker :D

Awasthi, does this even come under the NPT?
And Tushar, great going. Now I won't be able to sleep in peace. :/

Ayu's right you know. He threw his phone at me on the rooftop and I picked it up and guess what? It was still working.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. :|
Awasthi, if you're reading this, get the book and keep that phone away from me. Forget Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this has the potential to wipe out the fucking planet.
Having said that, I'll give you a quote from the most faggoty superhero movie ever.
"With great power comes great responsibility."
Btw, this faggot died like 2 minutes later. :p
Liked by: Kaushik Kothari

Finally watched v for vendetta? :P How was it :P

Awesome shit. :D
But now I'm in love with The Expendables.
Sylvester Stalone and his swag. :O

What supercool connections have you made through the Internet?

Tushar Menon. It's really hard to find a guy who can actually appreciate books in today's world, where everybody just wants to see The Vampire Diaries, or One Tree Hill and other weird shit.
Btw, Two and a Half men and the Big Bang Theory are awesome. :D
Liked by: Jason Leacock


Language: English