

Ask @Vinayaka_Sanganeria

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Name all the people you met on ask

Okay. Here goes. If I've not mentioned you, sorry. :P
This is according to the people I've followed.
@TanviGS : Coolest chick ever. I mean who likes WW II ? :O And, Grammar Nazi. :P #Coincidence
@Prithviraj13 : Makes MUNning fun. Kill them pre-boards bro. Also, Chelsea fan <3
@rdipex99 : My half-brother. Literally the biggest Chelsea fan I know. Really cool guy.
@AnishkaBiswas13 : Craziest person ever. I've already done a TBH, haven't I? :p
@RijishGanguly : I've had just one conversation with this guy, but he's fucking awesome.
@MewTush : COOLEST VIRTUAL FRIEND EVER. We're like the same person. Except I'm dark-skinned and have a penis.
@Ariandthediamonds : Fellow MUNner. Damn cool person.
If any of the following people get raped, I'm not taking responsibility. Please don't go stalk them.

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Where do you think Santa Claus is from?

Tor Baaper Baari, bara.
I salute the guy who comes up with these questions. He's even more jobless than I am. And all I do is sit behind a computer screen trying to make people laugh. That's REALLY jobless. Wtf, ask.fm employee.

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This is a message to all the creepy anons and lovely followers I have.
People like your answers because they're actually good/funny. Shit like 'Like=5 likes' makes no sense at all. If you really want likes, culture a sense if humor. Or read all the good books there are. But don't beg for likes. At least not at my door. If any of my answers contain the phrase 'Like if you cried', it is purely to rub it into the sufferer's delusional wounds.

Tbh anishka ?

Hi, nish. :D
Anyway. Damn cool person. Puro retard acche. :P All the bong I know is because of her. Damn good listener. I think. :/
Damn sweet. My little sis. Love you. :* :D
Liked by: Anishka Biswas

Since you're doing a tbh for everyone do one for me too:P

Tushar. Coolest guy over the internet. Cooler than Kukreja ( I didn't say funnier). Love the way you read books like the terminator blows up stuff. We should meet up soon. :D

If you could be half man half animal, which animal would you choose?

Zahan's an animal. This is established.
But, in reality, he's human.
So, if I'm half Zahan and half me, essentially, I'm still a complete human.
#Sweg B|

That is racist as fuck XP You might wanna delete that. I was referring to Leo's Bad Boy Supreme, sense of humour though:P

Lel, racism is my profanity. And admit it, everybody likes black jokes. And Leo's cool, with all that swag and shit. :P
I actually like him. It's not like Percy could build a metal strong-ass dragon and then a fucking warship just months apart. :D

Fandom Character- Leo Valdez:D The ladies luurve a bad boy;) Not to mention the unmentionable sense of humour:P And John Green fan:')

Why leo? That kid's got ADHD. And I think he's black. He probably is, being a son of Hephaestus and stealing parts and shit. And the smiley band-aids? Are you fucking kidding me?
Anyway, thanks bro. :* :')

What's a good movie you just saw?

I could apply humor and make a few people laugh and get a few likes, but this one deserves my honesty.
I request everybody reading this to watch the Resident Evil series right up to Retribution.
It's worth it. Trust me.


So I was randomly thinking to myself, what if Arnab Goswami became the head chair of a MUN committee?
*Le delegate
Blah blah blah Pakistan blah blah Drones blah blah Circumcised blah blah
*says something wrong*
Suddenly, a wild voice appears. One that the nation loves. That the nation needs to know.
Arnab, instead of a point of order: "NO NO NO NO NO"
And the rest of them start laughing xP
And the vice-chair goes: "Arnab, you are now debarred."
Lel. Much random.

What do you think was the most significant news story of the year?

Idk. Not after I heard some random politician on the news hour didn't let Arnab Goswami speak for more than 20 mins. :O


Language: English