

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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That's all the questions for right now. If you liked the questions, tell me. Or tell me what kind of questions you prefer I ask! If any of you need someone to talk to, feel free to kik me, my user name is dimetimestwo 😊

dimetimestwo’s Profile PhotoR (:
I loved them thank you
Liked by: Saydee R (:

Okay a relationship spam asked by anon.. 5 questions on the way.. Q. What is your relationship status? Are you happy with it?

I'm single. I guess so I wish I was in one but I'm fine not being in one.
Liked by: Saydee

Are you a heavy pr light sleeper? I'm such a heavy sleeper, when I went to school I had to set like 10 alarms just to wake up. I always sleep through them😩

dimetimestwo’s Profile PhotoR (:
I'm such a light sleeper I wake up at like any noise pretty much.
Liked by: Saydee R (:

List ten facts about you! (age,state, etc)

dimetimestwo’s Profile PhotoR (:
1- I get offended really easily
2- I love in Utah
3- i want all my children by the time I'm 30
4- I live summer
5- I hate plain chocolate
6- I only follow 24 people
7- I have green eyes
8- I love California
9- I am an only child
10- I'm 5'7
Liked by: Saydee Victoria♥

When it comes to the debate over abortion, which argument is by far the most ridiculous you have heard? This argument can even come from your side of the debate.

questionsbymadeline’s Profile Photo♡ Madeline's Question Spam ♡
I hate when people say that when you get an abortion it not a child or baby because it is if it has a heartbeat it definitely is a living thing
Liked by: Saydee

Spam coming soon. I'd like to have 130 followers by tonight, I'm close! ☺️ if you don't want my spam say so! My answers could use some likes ;)

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
Okay thank you.
Liked by: Saydee

I have been on the waiting list on your question page for weeks now.. Is there any spaces free yet?

No there are over 100 people on the waiting list because I refuse to follow over 50 people
Liked by: Saydee

What colors are those (on your nails)

L.A Colors lime life
Sinful colors thimbleberry
The color workshop NAQA
the color workshop NEPA
Liked by: Saydee

How many questions do you have

52 because I finally deleted some that were over a month old and they were piling up.
Liked by: Saydee

whats your favourite takeout? do you have a go to meal from there?

Kneaders. Yes I get the Turkey bacon avocado sandwich with no avocad. With lettuce, tomato an onions. With extra kneaded sauce and a side of broccoli soup.
Liked by: Saydee


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