

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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has there even been a big wildfire near you? did you evacuate? were there warnings about air quality?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
Not one close enough that I had to evacuate. But there have been a couple in this last week and the air quality is pretty bad today. Like in general the air quality in Utah is pretty bad but fires make it worse and you know it's bad when you can't see the mountains anymore.
Liked by: eggsy

do you like mayonnaise on your sandwiches/burgers?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I don't eat mayonnaise in general just because it grosses me out so I don't put it on anything. The only time I eat anything with mayonnaise in it is when I have fry sauce but like you can't taste the mayonnaise in it.
Liked by: eggsy

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what time do you usually wake up in the morning? what time do you go to bed? do you believe you get a decent amount of sleep per night?

I wake up at 5 Monday-Thursday and 6 on Fridays for school. And then weekends it's just a whenever I get up thing. It's usually around 6:30-7. During the summer I was sleeping until like 10 so it's been an adjustment. I go to bed between 8:30 and 10 usually. And sometimes I get enough sleep and then other nights I'm awake on and off all night so that sucks.

would you rather get to go to coachella or burning man, if you could go to ONE for freeee?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I know more about what Coachella is then I do about Burning Man so I'll go with Coachella.
Liked by: eggsy

do you like root beer? beer? black coffee? Red Bull?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I hate root beer and I always have.
I don't have a problem with black coffee like it's not what I normally choose to drink but it's not bad.
I think Red Bull is gross
Liked by: eggsy

what are your like "everyday" pants? do you normally wear jeans? leggings? sweatpants? something else?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
I usually wear skinny jeans for like school and then workout shorts like to hang out at home/sleep in.
Liked by: eggsy

did you get enough sleep last night?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
No I went to bed at like 9:30 but I woke up a few times and then woke up a half hour before my alarm went off and couldn't fall back asleep.
Liked by: eggsy

Do you eat breakfast, lunch & dinner at the "proper" times everyday ?

I dont know what proper times would even be but probably not. I eat breakfast at around 6, lunch at 11 or 12:30 depending on the school day, and I eat dinner between 3-5 usually.
Liked by: Denny

what was each of your school's building like? was it old or modern? little or big? where was it located? was it on much land/what was the space around it like?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
My elementary school was pretty big and it was a newer school when I attended it. It was in the middle of a neighborhood. It was on a large amount of land and had multiple big fields and a few playgrounds.
My middle school was built in the 90s I believe and it was a a decent size it was like roughly 1500 students. It was right outside of a neighborhood. It was a decent size it wasn't small or anything but I'm pretty sure my elementary school had more land.
My high school was also built in the 90s I think. And it's a very large school. Like there are more students than are allowed at the school. It's by a busy road/highway. It has a lot of land and fields for every single sport played at the school.
Liked by: eggsy

What was your first kiss like?

My grandma just added me on Snapchat and all i want to know is who let her make one.

what was your favorite movie as a kid? have you rewatched it since childhood? does it hold up?

HeyGuysWantStuffJustAsk’s Profile Photoeggsy
Ella Enchanted and Riding in Cars with Boys are the two I watched most as a kid. Like I'm pretty sure I've seen both roughly the same amount of times. I have watched both in the last couple of years and I hate Ella Enchanted now It may correspond with how much I dislike Anne Hathaway but I don't think it's that good. And Riding In Cars With boys makes me cringe I remember how much I loved that movie when I was like five and looking back now I don't know why my mom ever let me watch it when I was that young.
Liked by: eggsy

What's the longest term paper report essay etc that you had to do?

I had to do a 20 page research paper in US history.


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