

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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Thinking of doing a small 10 question spam today!! Send me some topic ideas and let me know if you do NOT WANT questions. use as a filler.

Thinking of doing a small 10 question spam today Send me some topic ideas and

bqotd; post a FACE SWAP PIC! I finally found how to do it and mine & casey's is FUNNY.

This is the only one I have on my phone still
bqotd post a FACE SWAP PIC I finally found how to do it and mine  caseys is

Describe how your days gone

I woke up around 6 because I couldn't sleep and then I got ready about 7 and ate breakfast and got dressed. Then we left and went to my moms work for a little while then got coffee and breakfast at Beans and Brews. Then went to the church for the family prayer and then to the chapel for the funeral. Then we all drove to the cemetery and took some family pictures. Then went back to the church and had lunch. And my aunt just dropped me off at home so I'm going to go take some medicine and take my heels off.

How many cousins do you have? If you're comfortable list their names


Since I am at my mom's tonight ( Computer woo) due to her having surgery tomorrow --- anything goes and anonymous night. Nothing off limits except the usual. Question: Have you ever had surgery? WHat for>

Only to get my tonsils and adenoids removed.

The object to the left of you is your weapon in the zombie apocalypse. Do you think you'd make it through and episode of The Walking Dead with this 'weapon'?

twistedfaithxx’s Profile PhotoQuestions + Advice
There is only a calculator to my left so obviously I would t survive.
Liked by: Questions + Advice

i'm bored. we're driving home after spending the afternoon with my brother and sister in law. What was the highlight of your day?

Yesterday the highlight of my day was getting a good math score on my sage test.

How is your week going hun

Not too great. I'm sick again but tomorrow's my last day of school for the week thankfully.

How much attention to do pay to the responses on the pages of people you follow? If someone were to ask you questions about things they've said previously, how well do you think you would do?

jenniferrr16’s Profile Photojennifer.✌
I think that I pay pretty close attention like sometimes I might mix tow people up but it's not too often. It depends because I miss a lot of answers from people but for the most part I probably could do pretty well.
Liked by: jennifer.✌


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