

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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Has someone ever screenshotted something you've posted on social media and sent it to your parents or significant other just to start drama?

Not that I know of.

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Do you go to church? If you have children, will you take then to church?

twistedfaithxx’s Profile PhotoQuestions + Advice
I don't go to church. And I won't take my kids to church if tabs something they want to decide to do when they are older then they can but I'm not going to force a religion on them.
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3/10: What are some of your unpopular opinions?

questionspage22’s Profile PhotoSpam Account
Obama isn't horrible
Spanking isn't abuse unless your leaving marks
You shouldn't post about your sex life on the Internet
Not all cops are bad.
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10/10: I have a lot of new people on my list and want to know more about everybody. Listen 5 facts about yourself

questionspage22’s Profile PhotoSpam Account
1- I live in SLC
2- I hate not being clean
3- I'm 14
4- my half birthday was yesterday
5- I'm 5'7
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Q4 Food preference : spicy, bland, or something in between? what is your favorite spicy or bland food?

newspampage1’s Profile PhotoPersonal Spam
I prefer in between like I don't want super spicy but I can't handle bland and boring food. The only spicy thing I'll eat is hot Cheetos. Lol.
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The one we were talking about the other day lol

It was good we weren't scored because our choir was a guest choir but she told us if we would have been she would have gave us a 1 which is the highest and our school got the highest out of the rest of the school that competed.

Question Of The Day: What font do you use the most on Word (or any appilcation like Word/Writer/WordPad, PowerPoint Notes, etc? :3

Times new roman because of all my teachers.


Language: English