

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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~Art~ How well did you do in art class? If you do have a drawing that you think is bomb asf, then maybe post it?

I never took art.

I'm sorry if my questions are missing words or has messed up spelling bc autocorrect.is being a butt. As a child, which shows did you watch on Disney?

That's so Raven
Wizards of eagerly place
Hannah Montana
The wiggles
Lizzie McGuire

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Have you ever been disappointed by your parents?Im sorry if this triggers bad memories :(

Oh yeah it happens to all of us.

QOTD: What do you have planned for thanksgiving? (For me, I'm getting married on Wednesday)

cammydxx’s Profile PhotoSciath
Going to Kmart at like 5 am thanksgiving morning. Then over to my aunt echoes house to get all the food ready for the day and eat around 1-1:30 then going Black Friday shopping that evening
Liked by: Sciath

Can you link the ask.fm of the woman who is having kynzleigh Rayne tonight via C-section? I cannot find her account!

No because if you don't know the "woman's" name you don't need to have her ask from me
Liked by: jennifer.✌

Do you believe that what you are taught in school is as important as the teachers say? Why or why not?

Some things are while others aren't important. Someone asked my math teacher "when are we going to use this in real life?" He said something life math isn't about the numbers it's about how to solve problems in the real world when your out of school. Some things matter you need to learn to read and write while you don't need history for 12 years of your life after schools over but some of the things really do matter.

I've been hearing about people complain that Christmas is being celebrated before Thanksgiving accordingly What are your thoughts? Do you think it makes no difference and that Christmas is much more exploited than Thanksgiving?

I don't think it's matters when you put your tree up or start decorating. It's just getting you into the sprit. We don't celebrate thanksgiving at home so we usually decorate before because it doesn't matter. It doesn't make a difference if your eating thanksgiving dinner by a Christmas tree. If so many people want to bash others for decorating then why do the stores start selling Christmas stuff so early? It really makes no difference to me.
Liked by: Samantha

Okay so I know I'm going to get crap for this, but I'm very curious. I've heard a lot about of stereotypical things about blind people lately. So when you think of a blind, or visually impaired person, or when you see someone with a white cane, what is something you think of? If this makes sense.

Dancebug22’s Profile PhotoElliephant(:
When i think of someone blind I will think of my Great aunt Vickie who's blind but that's it.
Liked by: Elliephant(:

Sorry to be a blag but the internet is dry tonight, lemme steal your followers! Q: what do you do when there is nothing to do?

Lay in my bed
Come on here
Watch movies
Liked by: Saydee

I'd like to say thank you guys for wanting to be back on my spam list. I actually like reading your answers. I do enjoy sending spam. I hope you all had a nice day.

Liked by: Saydee

What word has always been the hardest for you to pronounce?

Jerusalem I can never say it and in school when if have to read in history that was almost always one I had to read and I can not say
Liked by: Saydee

Would you say you're nifty in the decorating department?

Kind of. Like I know what I like that goes together or will look good but it's hard for me to choose certain decorations
Liked by: Saydee

Sorry guys, that spam was terrible :// I'm really down this evening so my mind just wasn't focused. I'm going to try and clear out the controversial spam I have, my inbox is available for whatever. Questions, tips, advice. Have a good night.

Thank you😘
Liked by: Saydee

Do you believe that breasts are sexual objects? Should it be ok for people with breasts to walk around with them exposed, like people without do?

No they aren't.
Liked by: Saydee


Language: English