

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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Can anyone change your opinion on something? Meaning with facts, or are you pretty mind set on what you think and believe.

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
Nope what I believe in is what I believe in. If they want to give reasons why they believe that way then go for it and I'll listen but it isn't going to change my way of thinking.
Liked by: Saydee

Does anyone else scroll through Facebook or other social media and think why are you recording and doing nothing about it?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
All the time. Why record two girls fighting and I firing each other.
Liked by: Saydee

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Is there an easy way to do a French plait? It looks so simple but I still struggle lmfao 😩 (ignore if you don't know how to)

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I looked it up because I had no idea what a plait was and its braid where I live. So a French braid. Well I taught myself how to do them and it's easily if you start with learning a Dutch braid first and then reversing the pieces. But for others it's the other way around. But to get it in my hair it takes me Awhile to French braid. You just need to take your time practice and it will come to you
Liked by: Saydee


This is for people that follow me/send questions to me. This weekend 29-31. I will not have service after about 3pm friday and won't get any back until Sunday afternoon. So I will not be on ask. But please do not think I'm ignoring you. I just will be up in the mountains this weekends so no wifi no service. You guys can still send whatever questions you'd like I just won't answer until Sunday evening. Thank you all.
Liked by: Saydee

Sending this to everyone! If you follow me on here you should follow me on Instagram! @kristinsevers is my IG! I follow back normally always but I unfollow if you're a ghost! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Instagram is where I'll post sometimes when I'm going to do spams!

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
Liked by: Saydee

Do you ask enough questions, or are you happily settling for what you know already?

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
On ask: I think so. In school or other places I never I ask questions then regret it later on.
Liked by: Saydee

TB12.📺Did you ever eat your food off of those plates that was shaped like animals? Did you have a certain animal you liked?(Mine was the tiger, obviously.🙈) If they still sell/sold them, would you buy them? Could you see yourself eating off of them at this age?

jenniferrr16’s Profile Photojennifer.✌
Yes all the time. I loved the pig. Maybe if they were like a $1. Yes because I have recently at my friends house when all she had were those plates from her little siblings
Liked by: Saydee

What do you do when you are exhausted but you have things to do and you can't do anything about it? I haven't gotten sleep in the past couple days due to things going on, and I have to work tonight and I'm exhausted but I don't want to seem like a bitch to customers. Sorry for the stupid question!

Dancebug22’s Profile PhotoElliephant(:
I usually take enters drinks or wake up early enough to finish those things in the morning. Or you could eat some protein bars or power bars those give me energy without bringing me down later on.
Liked by: Saydee

What's the longest you've gone without sleep?

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
Not even 24 hours because I need sleep to function correctly and if I don't get at least 6-8 hours I'm so cranky the rest of the day. So probably like 19 hours without sleep.
Liked by: Saydee

you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
Getting hair done , sleeping, go to the spa, etc.
Liked by: Saydee

I'm going to be doing a throwback spam! This makes me really excited and I have no idea why. Keep in mind that some of yall are a couple of years older/younger than me so our throwbacks might be slightly different..😁(Ignore the fact that it isn't Thursday) I doubt some of these are even throwbacks!

jenniferrr16’s Profile Photojennifer.✌
Okay thank you 😘
Liked by: Saydee

Tonight when I do spam I will be doing a small one and if your answers are "idk" "idc" you'll be removed from my spam list. I take time to send them out be nice enough to think for more than one second ✋🏻 (if you don't do this then thanks, but I've seen a few of you who do. Last chance)

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
Okay thank you
Liked by: Saydee

You don't have to say who or if you're daring, feel free but is there anyone on this site you can't stand? Why is that?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
Oh yes so many people. App for different reasons. From when they are extremely rude and disrespectful to never answering real questions
Liked by: Saydee

Who was the last person you unfollowed? If you're not comfortable saying, why did you unfollow them? Who was the last person you followed and why did you follow them?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
This guy named Matt. Because he was boring and only posted pictures. Kristen because she just got a new account v
Liked by: Saydee

When someone gives you their opinion do you respect it even if it isn't the same as yours?

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
Yes I do. I will not fight with them that my opinion in the only one that's right. Everyone's brain functions differently. And I won't sit there and tell them there is wrong when we are 2 different people.
Liked by: Saydee

Is it worse to fail at something or never attempt it in the first place?

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
Never attempt it because what if you could have succeed you don't know because you didn't try.
Liked by: Saydee

To what extent do you shape your own destiny, and how much is down to fate?

kristinisbackbaby’s Profile PhotoWhatever
I try my hardest to make sure things go my way. But they don't always and you need to let date decide in some ways.
Liked by: Saydee

When someone does you wrong, are you able to forgive them easily? When it comes to family members, do you tend to ignore their wrong doings because "blood is thicker than water"?

youcuntx’s Profile PhotoJ.
I hardly ever forgive easily. It's just going to be inside of me building up until I finally explode with all this haterd. Not at all I treat them just like everyone else
Liked by: Saydee


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