

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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Debate 1. This is asked a lot I know but what are your thoughts on abortion? Are you pro life or pro choice? (If you're not comfortable with anything I send, you can just skip it ☺️)

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I think it's murder. I'm pro life
Liked by: Saydee

Debate 3- once children are in full time educate should the mother (or stay at home father) get a job? would it be lazy to stay at home?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
Not if she doesn't need to. Like if they are financially stable and she doesn't want to work and her husband/boyfriend doesn't care either then no she shouldn't have to.
Liked by: Saydee

I'm going to be doing 10 debates about any topics YOU guys want me to cover. So send me your topic suggestions in my ask box so I can keep track! It can be anything ☺️

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
Thank you
Liked by: Saydee

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Debate 5 (I think correct me if I'm wrong😂) - Meghan Trainor, what are your thoughts on her?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I love her so much. She's gorgeous. Also she kind of writes incredible music. And she shouldn't be hated just because of a song where she I expressing her feelings and thoughts
Debate 5 I think correct me if Im wrong  Meghan Trainor what are your thoughts
Liked by: Saydee

Debate 6- should bullies be expelled from school/college etc?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
If it's happening at the school ten yes but at home or online you can't involve the school until it shows up in the school
Liked by: Saydee

Debate 9- is there a lot of pressure to have the ' perfect body'?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
Now days there is. But what really is the perfect body? Society makes girls think that they don't have the perfect body unless try look like that photoshopped girl on magazine and that is wrong
Liked by: Saydee

If you're parent, when's your little ones birthday and if you aren't a parent, when is your birthday? It just flashed up on my phone that my youngest will be 1 in exactly 3 months, I'm not ready to accept that 😂😭

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
My birthday is September 19
Liked by: Saydee

Debate 2 - what should the age be for drinking (buying drink also), smoking (buying cigarettes also) and sex? Or should it stay the same age as it is now?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
For alcohol now it's 21 but I think it should either say the same or be raised For smoking now it's 19 but it should be the same as drinking For sex 18 +
Liked by: Saydee

Question 2: Do you think those who have a legitimate fear of public speaking be given a bit of leniency when asked to do public presentations? Why or why not? (I mean leniency as not forced to do the presentation or they only have to give the presentation to the teacher instead of all the students)

Yes because some people can make themselves sick why put them through that.
Liked by: Saydee

Do you think men and women who want to pop out babies and claim benefits should have their tubes tied/chopped? Why?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
No because as long as they are raising their children appropriately then there is no problem
Liked by: Saydee

Following on from the porn question: do you think porn sites should be banned? They are very accessible and young children could easily end up on the sites, right? So how should the world go about it?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
Yes they should be banned. They do end up on other sites. Just delete them all together or put a block on them
Liked by: Saydee

Where does your sound come out when you watch TV? Is it out of the TV itself? 2 external speakers? a 5 or 7 speaker surround-sound system? headphones? other?

Out of the TV it self in I think all the ones we have in this house.
Liked by: Saydee

What is you're favourite quote? Why?

I have way too many to just pick one. But this it my recent favorite. Because it's pretty much saying don't let people get to you just push forward
What is youre favourite quote Why
Liked by: Saydee


Language: English