

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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Q5. Is it fair that people make tributes for certain people have died? Do you think it's fair that they recognize the death of certain people and not others? Is there something about the people who are being recognized that makes them so privileged? What?

jenniferrr16’s Profile Photojennifer.✌
Yes it is. Yes because if they are getting recognized they meant something to someone or more then one person and were cared for or were a great person. They aren't privileged it's about how they treated their lives and choose to live them they choose to live as a memorable person.
Liked by: Saydee

I thought I'd start off my questions today asking how you all are? ☺️

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I'm okay I've been so much better. On Thursday I feel down a hill cut open my knees and hands and yesterday I was cutting some meat and sliced my thumb open. Do you know how hard it is to not use your thumb(extremely hard) but thank you for asking
Liked by: Saydee

Have you kept texts or any messages from someone who has passed away? Would you delete their number or do you feel that's a comfort to have?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I haven't had anyone close to me that I text so no I haven't. I think if they were extremely close I wouldn't but if I never talked or texted them I would delete it just to feel better about the loss.
Liked by: Saydee

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Are you the type of person to think most English people have posh accents, eat scones and drink tea, say "old chap" etc.. (If you're from England ignore this 😂 I'm curious) haha

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
Not really. But I just think they have an accent and drive on the other side of the road. Lol
Liked by: Saydee

Here's the relationship spam! Question 1: If you are in a relationship, what qualities do you like the most about your partner? If you are single, what qualities do you look for in a partner?

I look for: kindness, someone family oriented, good looks, sporty and very sweet
Liked by: Saydee

Question 2: If you are in a relationship, what is your favourite date that you've been on with your partner? Tell me a bit about it. If you are single, what would be your perfect date? Describe it.

My perfect date would be going to dinner then going to the drive in movies and cuddling with blankets watching the movies under the stars
Liked by: Saydee

Question 4: Do you believe that looks are important in a relationship or do you think it's personality that matters more? Why?

I think it's both. You need to physically attracted to them but you also need to love their personality for your relationship to work
Liked by: Saydee

Question 7: What are your thoughts on gender roles in relationships? (For example, some women tend to stay at home doing the cleaning, cooking etc. Whilst men tend to go out to work and provide finically)

I find them stupid and old fashioned. Why should women have to sacrifice their lives just to make a man happy. When I get married I will have a job and I will not be the only one cooking and cleaning. Also I'm a terrible cook so that would not be me doing the cooking 24/7
Liked by: Saydee

Question 9: What are your thoughts on controlling partners? Do you believe that their just being too clingy/overprotective or is it insecurity? Explain.

I would hate that so deeply and wouldn't be able to handle it. I would have a breakdown if they were constantly trying to control me. I think that some people have insecurities because of what's happened to them in the past so they make sure it won't happen again
Liked by: Saydee

Why do you think that people seem to think anxiety is the same as nervousness? Do you think schools should be more accommodating of people with anxiety? (ie: not having to give oral presentations, etc)

chelseaglenn’s Profile Photochels
Because they don't know what it actually feels like they just know the description of it so they think that people Just get nervous and nothing else when in reality it's so much worse then that. I can see why they should but I can see why they shouldn't. The should because presentations are difficult and I even get extremely nervous during them. But they shouldn't because then everyone will think that something is up with the person or lots of people will fake having it
Liked by: Saydee

Adding on to my last question - why do you think that depression and anxiety are more widely "accepted" (and also sometimes seen as not serious) than other mental illnesses?

chelseaglenn’s Profile Photochels
I think because they can be controlled a lot easier and the people who suffer from them are better at hiding it who not focusing just on that
Liked by: Saydee

Q3. If you were given two options to pick your way of life, which would you pick? Would you pick the one that allows you to start out as a newborn and live until you reach old age? Or would you want to start out in your old age and become a newborn? Why?

jenniferrr16’s Profile Photojennifer.✌
I would start out as a newborn so then I'd have my whole life ahead of me but I k ew I would love my life yo the fullest.
Liked by: Saydee

Question 1: Are you for or against euthanasia? Why? (Euthanasia is physician-assisted suicide. It's basically where a doctor painlessly kills a patient to relieve suffering)

Against instead of dying they need counseling where they can talk about how they actually feel instead of ending your life because some people want to end there lives at a really young age and they don't know what coil be ahead of them in life
Liked by: Saydee

Question 3: If you are in a relationship, what was the first thing that attracted you to your partner? If you are single, what attracts you to someone?

Me being able to trust them and having some of the same likes but a lot of different ones as well.
Liked by: Saydee

What are some things you like to do when you're alone?

Play with my hair. Dance around the house to music😁. Watch Netflix. Paint my nails. Go on ask lol
Liked by: Saydee

Question 8: If you are in a relationship, what are a few annoying habits that your partner has? If you are single, what habits would you consider to be annoying in a relationship?

I would consider if he was extremely clingy and always wanted to be together and never do anything alone
Liked by: Saydee

Do you like Star Wars? Are you excited for the new movie or do you think it won't measure up to the old ones?

chelseaglenn’s Profile Photochels
I've never actually ever seen Star Wars. So I'm not excited for the new one
Liked by: Saydee

Q5. Do you know how to write in cursive? Will you teach your kids how to write in cursive? What are your thoughts on the fact that they no longer teach cursive in school? Does it matter or will children have a tough time in the real world if they don't know cursive? Why/why not?

jenniferrr16’s Profile Photojennifer.✌
I do I hardly ever right in it though. I will more then likely. They teach it at all the schools where I live in elementary school still and my cousin is in kindergarten and knows how to write in cursive. I think they would have a rough time without it because they will need to have their signature an it be original.
Liked by: Saydee

Why is it people notice the deadbeat dads more when there are women who are useless mothers too?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I think it's because the mother has to struggle in having to raise a baby all alone so then the father is shamed about that. While moms hide it a little bit more. Also with social media most men don't have it and women do so the women bash the men
Liked by: Saydee

Did your parents ever say they were going to name you something else originally, or that there was another name they were considering for you? If so, what was it?

Nope my mom only ever liked the name saydee for a girl. But if I were a boy I would have been Kayden
Liked by: Saydee

Do you think people abuse the NHS? Do you think people who come over to England should be allowed our free NHS? Even if you're not from England, share your thoughts!

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
Well I no idea how it is over there but your other question kind of explained it. I think that since it's free lots of people probably absuse having it be free. I think if they move there for a job yes but just moving there they should need to wait 6 - 12 months
Liked by: Saydee

Do you think it's wrong for people to broadcast their life on social media? Ex: posting they have been abused etc - does that make them an attention seeker? Do you feel some things should be kept private?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
Yes. In some cases. I think it can if that's all they ever talk about and they never once talk about anything else it does seem like they are an attention seeker. I think most things like your sex life should be brodcasted all over social media where anyone can see it
Liked by: Saydee


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