

Ask @Wildfoxes__

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Q7. Why do you think that teenagers leave the bathrooms a mess at school, leave their trash everywhere and etc? Do you think it's the way they were raised or do you think they do it just to do it? Have you ever been that person?

jenniferrr16’s Profile Photojennifer.✌
I have no idea. I think they just do it out of instinct. I have never been that person
Liked by: Saydee

Before claiming any benefits such as job seekers, should they HAVE to take a drugs test? Why or why not?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
Yes to prove that they are really in need o those benefits not just for others reasons
Liked by: Saydee

Hi guys! I'm going to be sending out a small spam. Here's some information about question 8. If you haven't heard, Kim K is going to publish a book called "Selfish" that basically has selfies and family pictures in it along with a few nude selfies! 😁

jenniferrr16’s Profile Photojennifer.✌
Thank you. And I have heard about that
Liked by: Saydee

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Swearing in music and on TV - should they keep bleeping out swearing or should people just get on with it because it's annoying having to listen to the bleeps when we all know what they're saying any way? Isn't it your choice to watch what you want and monitor your children?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I agree with you we all know what they are saying. I find re beeps so annoying. It is your choice how you monitor what your children are watching/listening to.
Liked by: Saydee

If you could live in a mega-city like New York, Singapore, or London.... would you? Or is that busy fast-paced high-population environment not for you? Would your opinion change if you could actually afford it? (being that those are 3 of the most expensive cities in the world)

Not those cities I don't think I ever could. I think I'd do better in California. Those places are extremely crowded and busy all the time so I think it would stress me out so bad. I don't think it would change but yes it's extremely overpriced there.
Liked by: Saydee

I just had this rant on my ask but why do you think people try and glamorise being a young parent?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I actually have no idea because it's not going to be glamorous at all and when tons of people act like it is it can encourage other teens to have children and become young mothers on purpose.
Liked by: Saydee

Those who need medication for their mental health but don't take it, what are your thoughts? (They either refuse or feel they want to do it without medication)

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I think it's stupid especially if that mental health issue causes them to harm themselves or others. I think they should do what's right for them and the people around them
Liked by: Saydee

How honest are you? Like do you try to be nice about it, or do you mostly just tell it like it is?

caseyyandersonn’s Profile PhotoMakayla❥
I'm pretty honest I hardly ever lie and if I do it's to benefit the other person. I try to be nice about it but sometimes it just comes out
Liked by: Saydee

should murderers be allowed to have kids? why or why not?

No murders should be in prison. If they killed someone there is a huge chance they will do it again
Liked by: Saydee

allergies, sickness, body pain etc. is it real or is it the body's way of playing tricks on u?

I think it's both. Sometimes you hear of symptoms and the next day you have them and that's your body playing a trick on you. But some is real
Liked by: Saydee

Question 3: Would you rather have a photographic memory or gain an extra 40 IQ points?

Photographic memory I always see the prettiest things but can't get an actual picture of them
Liked by: Saydee

Question 4: Would you rather be able to walk through walls or control the weather?

If I could control the wether there would be no snow or wind but if I could walk through walls I wouldn't need to walk so far to places so. Walk through walls
Liked by: Saydee

Question of the day: when you sleep, do you prefer a thin blanket or do you cuddle up into a pile of them? Also, who's the blanket hog: you or you significant other?

memyselfandicecream’s Profile PhotoAnon
I have a really thick and heavy blanket for when it's warm and I prefer that put I also love my thin blanket
Liked by: Saydee

you have a child, who is around 1& you're not in the room at the time but you hear a scream, you come into the room and find out that your child bit your sibling but your sibling bit your child back. Your mum tells your sibling off but do you tell your sibling off too? how would you react?

katesquestions’s Profile PhotoKaates Questions
I they were younger I wouldn't but if they were older yes I would be extremely upset.
Liked by: Saydee

Would you ever be able to be a doctor? If you could be a doctor what kind would you want to be?

Not like a surgeon or anything in that department but on my top three career choices my third one is a pediatric nurse which is kind of like a doctor I guess
Liked by: Saydee


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