

Ask @Yasmeems

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سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم. لا اله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له, له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير.


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من وجهه نظرك ليه فى ناس بتعرف تقنع اى حد بفكرتها بسرعه وناس تانيه مابتعرفش او بتاخد وقت طويل ؟ =) !

SaraSalem572’s Profile Photosara salem
اسلوب الشرح اله دور كبير بالاقناع. و كمان في افكار محبوبه اكثر من غيرها. و كمان الي بتحاول تقنعه ممكن يكون عنيد و صعب. اهم شي الاسلوب في توصيل الفكرة.

I like the way you respond to those people who are rude, my parents raised me the same way as ur parents did that's why I love you and I'm happy to heve u on my bbm list, it's hard to keep it inside and not respond to those people who really deserve the worst thing ever

Thank you. That means alot to me. And i'm also very glad to have such a girl like you on my list.
And yes, they do provoke people to stoop to their level but it's on us not to let them drag us.


Language: English