

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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Can you upload the video of Gentry's practice run of his world's routine ? The one where you livestreamed on Periscope along with Andrew Maider's semifinal routine etc

Periscope was live. We didn't save it

Your more premium yo-yos and premium splashes of budget yo-yos have a different blast than your solid color budget throws. What makes them so different? I prefer the former over the latter. I love YYF! :-)

The process. The more colors the more acids on the surface. We know people will favor one and are happy to offer the choice
Liked by: Total Artist

I love the dv888 shape just don't like the size... Any plans on making a bigger dv888? If not what is the yoyo that is the most similar but larger in size?

The yotricks civility. In a bigger size it kinda moves slow. A yoyo like czechPoint has the feel but moves faster

How come the protostar and the northstar are both in production despite being extremely similar ?

The north star was created as signature yoyo for a different player than the player who's signature yoyo the protostar is


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