

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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Bro, why did the new supernova not get many color ways? With the release of Tyler's new yoyo, will the supernova be canceled, as in, no new runs/color ways?

People started buying lower priced or higher priced... So supernova has kinda stalled. Don't get us wrong it has totally sold through but we have a high minimum order in that item and just need to plan a bit better for its future. I think it will be back in fall

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How do you guys feel about Jensen kimmitt, or anybody that leaves the yoyofactory team? Do you dislike them or are you fine with it?

There is a a way to do things and a way not to. It's the how that makes the difference. Jensen has quit/left clyw 3 times now so it's not like him leaving out team makes us special. Some players leave our team and we continue to work with them for a limited time (we kept making yuuksta with his permission after he left to pursue his own thing. Some we continue to work with until this day (Kentaro for example). Some give no notice and bounce with a bunch of signature yoyos with their name on them set for release... That's not good ju-ju. Do it enough times and the only company that will hire you is Duncan.

Are we going to see any more of the new Genesis model soon? They sold so quickly.

We have one more run planned but we need to make changes in production to make more. Our technique need refinement to reduce rejects :-/
Liked by: Anthony

is the Hawaii yoyo following any good anymore? We never hear about them.

Hawaii is still a strong scene. As kendama slows there yoyo remains solid
is the Hawaii yoyo following any good anymore We never hear about them
Liked by: Jeremiah Jose

For the icon collection; why did you choose teal for the main color rather than the iconic yoyofactory blue? Like the color used in your logos and the color of the Luis genesis.

We wanted it to be unique and memorable.
Liked by: Anthony

Can I put z-stacks on my grind machine? Or will they not fit?

It will probably wobble like a ball. Not recommended
Liked by: Anthony

Do you guys encourage staying in school?

To a point. Personally I know of very successful people who have followed passions outside formal school education from an early age who didn't stay in school but did have a goal and followed a different path to achieve that goal. So stay in school (if you don't have anything better to do) to maximize opportunities until you decide a path.

Jensen Kimmitt had an interesting song choice at BAC any back story to that or was it pure coincidence?

Didn't catch his freestyle sorry.
Liked by: Anthony


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