

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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What makes a Titanium yo-yo different from an aluminum yo-yo other than what they are made of and the whole sparking thing?

Weight distribution. To machined thinner to allow more extreme weighting

Hey guys I have a problem. I have many of ur yoyos, and love them all. Recently I siliconed my popstar and too hot. The silicone in my too hot pops out every 3 mins of play. Why? The silicone in my daily throw popstar has lasted over a month and hours of play. Could I pls have a reason and solution?

Bhargav Sharma
To get silicone to grip better scratch up the metal in the pad groove. It gives better adhesion
Liked by: Total Artist

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Are you going to package the production Dream Titaniums any different than the boxed Dream run from Indiegogo? Ricochet came with some nice accessories. That makes me curious. :-)

Total Artist
No, the yoyo is the big expense!
Liked by: Total Artist

Bad timing for Pat B. to leave the team, when Cyborg 2.0 still hasn't been fully rolled out and promoted. Or, was it all done anyway? I enjoy 2.0 way more than the original. I would have loved to see more colors and splashes of that model. YoyoFactory team is TBE, the best ever!

Total Artist
looking forward to rebranding it, making it in 6061, lowering the price and doing cool colors. Great yoyo just hard to be better than so many others we have at a lower price.

I'm sure anodizing changes during the years and I know you done acid washes this past year but will we ever see acid washes the way they were done / look on older models from you guys? Ex: Genesis, Catalyst, and Super G. What about the colors on the Mutant DNA? Will we ever see those?

We reproduced some of them exactly this year. For example the latest space cowboy
Liked by: Total Artist

Can the caps be removed from the Replay? I want to swap caps from the summer collection and put them on my Black with Teal caps Replay. Have you guys thought about selling Replay caps? It would definitely give that extra personalization to the player giving another reason to buy a Replay. Thoughts?

We don't encourage it.
Liked by: Total Artist

Hi, I'm Ben. I am from Dayton, Ohio. My mom is the VP of a childcare center called Miniuniversity. I am starting a yoyo clinic there for the kids. It would probably start up next summer, but possibly sooner. Of course, I would need yoyos. Is there an arrangement we can make for a discount in bulk?

You gotta use email sometimes

What video editing software do you guys use to make your videos?

Depends who edits. Everything from iMovie to premiere and maybe even the odd fcp holdout
Liked by: Total Artist


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