

Ask @Yoyofactoryfm

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Don't care what people say, this is one of the best brands on the market. Not only do you guys put out quality products, but you promote the sport, have great representatives throughout the world, and you do what you can to innovate and push boundaries. Can't wait to see what comes next :)


Standardized scoring could be the downfall of yoyos. Yoyos are about having fun and creativity so why standardize the way tricks are built

Built? No. Scored, yes. After 60 seconds judges should be able to agree numerically on the performance they just saw (to an extent). They rarely do currently despite detailed criteria. For yoyo to be an Olympic sport this would be required.

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Any bad points of space cowboy? Cause my friends say that the feel is bad and stuffs>< but I really wanna get one

Does your friend have one? Everyone has different preferences. Spacecowboy is an amazing smooth long spinning yoyo with a balance of float and speed. A feeling unattainable with a single metal.
So we dig it.

how long does it take to make a new throw when it's all said and done? and what do you do with the reject prototypes?

From days to years. We have boxes and boxes of samples and prototypes
Liked by: Anthony Total Artist

Has the Space Cowboy been successful so far?

It has been getting great reviews and has been doing ok. The holidays will be a test. It's probably one of the best value yoyos even at a relatively high price so we think it will end up being a hit

Do you think we'll ever see professional grade yoyos sold in commercial name stores ie Target, Walmart, Dick's, ect.. I know there are Duncan and I've even seen YYF velocity's and ones but it's so hard to actually find a store I can go in and buy a serious yoyo... What are your thoughts?

It's a gradual process. We are getting some success stepping stores up but don't expect to see competition ready out of the packet stuff for a while
Liked by: Total Artist

How much money do your players with signature yo-yos make for each of their model that is sold?

It varies. Obviously a player edition ONEstar and a space cowboy are on very different levels. It's usually multiple dollars per yoyo and it can add up. No-one is making a living off royalties but hopefully one day.

Didn't Paolo get tenth at nationals when you picked him up? Have you added anyone from this nationals?

Not yet... We are a bit behind this year and planning some restructuring of our team which will include inviting a few players to be a part of our future.

as a company, what are the points that you aim for and what is your target audience when making a yoyo? clyw has amazing finishes and overall really good play but are really limited and pretty expensive for example.

We got to a stage of uniqueness, high resale value and collectability and said 'this wasn't our main goal'. It was nice having people pay a lot for our product but we wanted to give performance to players. In hindsight we probably didn't appreciate the emotional aspects people consider when purchasing and focused too much on rational decision making but I think we have come back around to deliver both a performance, value and a bigger consideration of what it means to choose a yoyo from a brand. We can't satisfy everyone but we are comfortable with the mix we offer and believe it to we worthy of being on any players finger, or in their case, or on their wall.


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