
Arianna Biersack


aarontaylorcowens’s Profile PhotoArianna Biersack
You know what, I honestly don't care. I asked her is she sure about it and she said yes. But like I said before, I'm the fucking odd man out in this family. So yes of course I don't want to be in this family anymore. I don't belong here and I know it. They always think I'm being dramatic, but hitting that I'm a slut, and shit is gonna hurt me. But whatever. I hate it here. She yells at me for things I don't even do. But I swear I'm not coming back.

Latest answers from Arianna Biersack

I got pregnant by my husbands brother. I was gonna tell him but he will never know.

Why did you even cheat on your husband? That's hella weird especially with his brother. 🤢🤮

What would you do if someone was a little fixated on your preferences when it comes to who you might date or are dating? Why are some people fixated on the idea of a girl being with a girl for instance?

Cause people are perverts

Language: English