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Its not that deep it wasn't that near a vein

still hun, is there someone you can talk to ? try and help you to stop? - harry x

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its my birthday this morning and im not even that excited becos i go to a new school and i am all depressed and i feel low.again and i feel like no one will post on my fb wall or say happy.birthday ;( How am I not looking foward for my birthdau? Mayb because I am worried that nobody cares

yer, you could be worriied. The best advice i could say to that would be, to see what happens.
At least then you know what happens? try and stay positive - harry x

I just cut like an inch deep

you need to wash it, is there someone you can tell. In case you have cut a bit too deeep - harry x

Cuttings fine its not killing me

its not fine , its the opposite of fine actually. It can get worse, to the point where killing yourself will be satisfying enough. I wouldn't let it get that far, its the right thing to try and stop - harry x

would eating and listening to musics while studying help?

listening to music could help you to concentrate.
I would recommend calm music tho,
eating could work as a relax treatment, however that could just be personal choice - harry

It helps. It just makes me feel better and helps me to cope with what's going on

But you need to find healthier ways of doing that! It might help now but it won't forever, Trust me

It is distressing me it makes me want to cut more

I don't blame you. I would find that extremely triggering. But please don't, It's not worth it. Do you think you will be able to speak to your friends?

Both tbh. Event happened but i tend to overthink and get unhappy. how to stay happy?

Many people over think about things. I think try and focus on the positives in situations, surround yourself with happy people, keep busy and distracted, do things that interest you etc! If those types of things don't make you happy then I'd recommend a visit to your Doctor to see if they could help you out!

Why what? I used to cut a couple of cm deep before until I lost my knifes so I want to go back to that

Why do you need to cut? What is the urgency? What does it solve for you?
People use cutting as a way of hiding the real issues, It's just going to make all your problems worse. Why would you want that?

I tell them how serious it is and stuff they just laugh and tell me to calm down

They just don't understand, I think they have no clue as to why it gets you defensive and obviously they don't know about you so they're just telling you to calm down. I think if they knew, they might not have the same attitude. I think you have two choices, speak to them honestly about things and how it makes you feel, or you could ignore it and walk away from those situations, Both are difficult but I think you need to deal with the situation as it's obviously distressing to you

what to do when u were very happy but got unhappy again then got better so how can i keep this feeling?

It depends. Is there a reason it happened? Like did any events happen or was it out of your control?

Yeah I've been using other things I just prefer using my knifes so I do need them I want to go back to cutting deep

Why though?
I can't force you to not self harm, but if you do self harm I want you to be as safe as possible. So I don't think aiming to cut deep is a good idea

My friends don't know I self harm and they're always making fucking annoying jokes about it and when I tell them to stop they just have a go at me saying it's a joke

Well tell them that it's not funny, Honestly if my friends were doing this I'd roll my sleeves up and be like do you want to laugh about this too? Because I know for a fact that would shut them up. Most people laugh about things that they can't understand, maybe you could help to educate them a bit?
I hope you're okay though, I know how fucking irritating it is!

Actually using them

But you've been without them.. So you don't NEED them, you don't have to act upon your feelings, you might miss it, doesn't mean it's good to go back to it :(

I have to go to the doctor's soon so how should i hide my scars? foundation doesn't cover how bumpy they are

Can you wear a long sleeved shirt? Or will the Doctor take your blood pressure or something that requires seeing your arms? I've been to the Doctors for injections and stuff and they have never commented on my cuts or scars unless they looked infected or deep! It could be a good thing that the Doctor see's them because maybe you could get yourself some help

No I need to use them I've missed them:/

What did you miss about it? Actually using them or knowing that you could?

(i am anew kid at school)I have some friends problem right now and I was feeling much better by the weekend. Then, I saw pictures that they have uploaded on tumblr and they all partied without me. and some new kids were invited too. Now I am EXTREMELY down. Bipolar? I aint sure. what should i do?

I wouldn't say that's bipolar at all, Something has happened to make your mood change. With bipolar nothing happens except a chemical change in your brain! Maybe they had already planned these things before you had joined the School or whatever it doesn't mean that they don't like you or don't want to hang out with you! Try and just involve yourself with them and get closer to them and I'm sure you'll get invited to places more often :)


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