
Christian Davin Ramadhan

Ask @alonelylamb

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Hallo selamat malam, saya ingin bertanya, manakah yang lebih baik antara Iphone 6/6s dengan Samsung Galaxy s7? karena saya sedang dilanda kebingungan antara kedua barang tersebut, terima kasih atas bantuannya. Hope you enjoy your day!

well i prefer iPhone6/6s sih cuz setiap pake samsung penyakit nya selalu sama, lagging maksimal setelah 2 bulan pakai.. jadinya sebel
but afterall it's your choice, so choose wisely biar ga nyesel

Kaya orang gila lo kesian nge ask sendiri hahhaa kebelet eksis dsr anak ga naek naek, anak tolol lulus sma umur 20 lu ya wkwk ngakak

yes honey i know i'm so damn talented, but dont always day something that nice to me :3 jadi mayuuu :3 but thanks for the compliment thoo hihi
and thanks also for saying i'm famous but i'm not that famous honey, and yes i'm still exist in this world, belum mati kok :3
but thanks for saying all these nice words to meee :3


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