
Alison Jane Capay

You're a fuckin pussy come hit up Sioux already and ill find you and beat the fuck out of you onc again you home wrecker

I'm already here, you're the pussy that has to ask anonymously. And I'm not even close to being a home wrecker, state facts will you?
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Latest answers from Alison Jane Capay

Sorry to bother. My name is Patrick White, one of the Globe and Mail reporters writing a great deal about your brother's case. Any chance we can talk today? As you probably know, Adam has been moved! I'm at pwhite@globeandmail.com or 416-585-5176

Patrick White
Sorry but I do have a lot to say I just can't over social media, I'm afraid it will jeopardize my brothers case. I was also told not to speak to any reporters regarding Adam without a lawyer present. I don't know what else to say at this time.

Post a picture of your favorite landscape in the world!

Sunset at the low beach, don't have other ones on my phone

πŸΉπŸ„πŸŒΏπŸ’ͺπŸ½πŸ‘… forgot to do this

Soliddddd haha thanks abe☺️

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