
Alison Jane Capay

Tbh you seem like an honest person and you don't really care about what people think of you, which is awesome. I saw you all the time around school way back when I was in grade nine and you seem like you always want to have a good time!

Kelswel’s Profile PhotoKelsey
Thanks Kelsey! Yeah I'm always down for a good time haha :) you seem like an honest person as well, not much people like that these days.
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Latest answers from Alison Jane Capay

Sorry to bother. My name is Patrick White, one of the Globe and Mail reporters writing a great deal about your brother's case. Any chance we can talk today? As you probably know, Adam has been moved! I'm at pwhite@globeandmail.com or 416-585-5176

Patrick White
Sorry but I do have a lot to say I just can't over social media, I'm afraid it will jeopardize my brothers case. I was also told not to speak to any reporters regarding Adam without a lawyer present. I don't know what else to say at this time.

Post a picture of your favorite landscape in the world!

Sunset at the low beach, don't have other ones on my phone

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